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Hey everyone! So obviously I didn't expect this book to do as well as it did/is doing (currently we're almost at 31k reads and I just think that's fucking insane grrrr), but, you know, here we are, and I am SO grateful for everyone who read, voted, commented, added this book to your reading list, etc.


I know a lot of you were upset with the ending, and, you know, as amazing of an accomplishment as it is to be able to make like 3.7k people cry, I'm willing to offer you guys two alternative endings if you want me to write them.

Alt ending number one would be Draco sacrificing his life for Josslyn's, and then showing how her life went five years later. Alt ending number two would be both of them surviving and then showing how their relationship ended up five years later. (Please note im not like asking you to choose, im saying I'll write both of them grrrrr)

Please let me know in the comments if you all would like me to do that!

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