Chapter 11

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I could hear the music blaring from outside the slytherin common room before we were even close. How they were getting away with this, I would never know. Maybe the professors just didn't care anymore...

But I doubted that. I guessed something had been done to keep the Head Master and the others from finding out, but what that something was I would never be able to figure out. And quite honestly, I didn't really care. As long as we weren't caught, the "how" behind it all didn't really matter to me.

I looked at Draco, feeling a smile tug at the corner of my cheek as he peered down at me. I don't think I've ever seen such genuine happiness light up his eyes. He looked so pleasant and excited and-and like he was just a normal teenage boy living a carefree, normal life.

He punched my arm lightly, "Don't be nervous, Maverick," He winked, "It's just a party, I'll take care of you."

I scoffed, shoving him away from me, "Oh, it's not me you should be worried about, Malfoy. If anything I'll be the one carrying you home."

"Are you sure about that? You're definitely a lightweight, I can tell."

"You know, you're probably just pushing your own personal problems onto someone else because you're too much of a pussy to cope with the fact that it's you that can only handle two shots of vodka before blacking out." I snickered, sneering up at him.

He smiled down at me, shaking his head. I noticed a ghost of an uncharted emotion pass through his gaze and his smile drop a little. It only lasted a few seconds, and it looked like something more raw and foreign rather than the mix of fear, stress, exhaustion, desperation, and the million other horrible emotions I had seen him wear before. This...this had been much different. My heart thumped in my chest, but not because his smile had made my pulse skip a beat like it had done on more occasions than I cared to admit. This looked more desolate and like he was utterly horrified with himself; like he had committed an act of public terrorism, and then followed up by stabbing a newborn baby. But, honestly, it probably hadn't even lasted a second. It was gone before it was even there. My mind could be reading much deeper into everything than it needed to, or maybe I had just imagined the whole thing.

"What?" He asked cheekily, a goofy shamelessly painting his face.

I scrunched my nose at him, "What the fuck are you doing with your face?" I laughed, "Draco Malfoy? Smiling? I really hope nothing falls out of the fucking sky and smashes the shit out of me, before I can take enough time to really soak in what's happening here."

"At least I wasn't staring." He retorted wickedly, but I didn't miss the way his pale cheeks became a rosy shade of red and his lips pursed together.

I fell silent, my eyes growing wide as my mind drew a blank. What was I supposed to say to that? He was right, I had been staring. But not for the reasons he persumed.

"So what were you staring at, Riddle?" He asked as we grew closer to the door to the common room, the blush now faded and his all-too familiar arrogant snarl now plastered onto his amused face.

Color flushed into my cheeks, but not because of the fact that he noticed I had been staring. What was embarrassing was the fact I hadn't been able to come up with a witty response to shut him down. My mind had blanked and I let him glow in his own glory and satisfaction.

"Well?" He asked. And it was like I was watching his ego swell with my own eyes. I could have sworn his head actually inflated, "I don't have all day!"

"Well it certainly wasn't your charming demeanor or your looks, Ferret Boy." I sneered, looking rather pleased with myself.

"Woah, woah, woah. That was like two years ago you can't just-"

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