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Draco's POV Five Years Later

I still thought about her sometimes. Well, sometimes was an understatement, I thought about her a lot. Her death still shredded my heart, and it killed me to know that no one would ever know her the way I had known her.

She didn't have to die. Harry never had to kill her. He had done so willingly while she was on her knees grieving for her father for the second time in her life. Harry could have left her live. Josslyn wasn't Voldemort, and she never would be. She was just a supportive, loving daughter trying to show she appreciated all he had done for her.

And now she was gone.

But I was a happy man now, I had a girlfriend who loved me and a house and a stable job. Well, I wasn't happy, I was more so content with the life I was currently living. I couldn't keep dwelling in the past. I knew that. Yet I couldn't help but miss her every single second of every single day. It's been five years and I still couldn't move on.

"Are you ready to try again, babe?" Pansy said, wrapping an arm around my waist and drawing me closer.

I resisted a little. I wasn't sure if I was really in love with her, but our relationship made sense. We were both Slytherjns and we had known each other for years.

"Yeah." I said, smiling a little at her, "It's easy, right?"

"No, but you'll get it this time. Just think of your happiest memory. We've been together for five years, babe, just pick one." Pansy chuckled, planting a kiss on my cheek.

I nodded, lifting my wand and directing it towards the sky.

When was I really ever happy? It definitely wasn't in the years when I was with Pansy. I've picked out almost every memory and none of them had worked. Probably because I was only ever okay when I was with her. Not happy, but not sad. Neutral.

I thought of my time with Josslyn. Was I ever really happy then?

Yes. I was elated when I was with her, and I wished more than anything I could be with her again. How could she be dead while I still lived in this insufferable world? How could she just be...gone?

"Draco?" Pansy asked, "Do you have one yet?"

"No." I snapped, shooting her a look that could have sliced her fragile heart in half. Some demented part of me hoped it did.

I closed my eyes, thinking hard. My mind went to that night on the roof. The time we had danced and screamed to music and stargazed and talked about our biggest fears and our wildest dreams.

That was my happiest memory.

"Expecto Potronum!" I shouted, and watched the blue and white potronous leap out of my wand.

My heart began to break as I watched the huge Bernese Mountain dog bound through the sky.

"A dog. Huh. Not what I expected for you." Pansy remarked, and when I didn't answer she continued, "Well, I'm going inside. It's getting cold. Love you."

I felt the tears run down my face as Pansy slowly made her way away from me and towards her house.

I watched my potronous circle around me with his tail wagging. He laid down at my feet and looked up at me.

"Novah...?" I choked, staring down at him. If I squinted really hard, I could almost imagine Josslyn by his side.

I could have sworn he smiled at me before he disappeared.

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