Chapter 8

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"You're welcome." I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

Draco looked at me, saying nothing. I assumed he was probably embarrassed. He always flaunted his power, money, and life, yet here he was being ruled by fear. The act that he kept up at school had been stripped down to it's very core, revealing itself in front of my naked eyes.

I wasn't sure exactly why I stepped up for him. I supposed it had been more of a spurr of the moment decision, one that I almost wish I hadn't made. My snall set of morals I had tucked  deep into my heart had finally burrowed themselves out, and announced their presence in that moment. But I knew he didn't deserve my help. Not in the least.

Although the more I thought about it, the more I realized Draco had nothing to do with it. It was Narcissa that made me do it. When I looked into her desperate, tear ridden eyes it was like I was watching her world crumble at her feet. And watching someone's world fall apart-someone who was like a mother to me, no less-seemed to be much more painful to watch than any of the deaths I've experienced.

"Consider this a peace offering." I spat.

"A peace offering? Did any small part of you think maybe I wanted to go with, you selfish-"

"Oh please," I scoffed, "I'm not an idiot, Draco. I'm a lot of things, but I'm not stupid."

"Then why did you do it? I know you hate me, the feeling is mutual, so why did you do it?"

"I didn't do it for you." I growled spitefully, tucking a strand of my dark hair behind my ear, "I did it for her." I jabbed my thumb over at Narcissa, who was making her way over to us.

She threw her arms around Draco, pulling her son into a tight hug. I studied them, a ping of jealousy ringing through my chest. I would never know the joy of having a mom, and it really fucking hurt. Narcissa was as close of a mother as I would ever get, and even then I had only ever seen her on special occasions. I was shocked when Draco hugged her back, matching her love with his own. She rubbed his back, and I was even more surprised when he didn't resist. I watched him lean into her, and for a second all I could see was a boy and his mother. Not Draco, not Narcissa, but a scared boy who depended on his mother's love and a mother that would give her life for his.

Suddenly I felt out of place; like I was watching something I wasn't supposed to see.

I kept my footsteps light as I walked out, not wanting to interrupt the mother-son exchange of love the both of them so desperatley needed.

I wondered back into the living room, a smile brightening up my face as my eyes landed on Novah. He was laying on his side, his paws stretched out towards the fire and his tongue hanging out of the side of his open jowls. His nose twitched as his eyes lids cracked open. His tail thumped lazily on the floor when he saw me, but other than he didn't move.

I sighed, sitting down next to his head. I faced the fire, letting my mind get lost in the flames and my hand rest on Novah's shoulder. I twiddle with his black, silky fur between my thumb and forefinger, letting myself get lost in my own fantasies.

I imagined a perfect life. I lived in a cabin with my dad and Novah, nobody was looking for him and he wasn't looking for anyone. We lived in between a forest and a rocky beach, our home was sitting right where the grass and white sand collided. The skys were always blue and the sea always rang with clarity. My father, Novah, and I would all eat breakfast together, and somedays we would wake up at the crack of dawn just to see the beautiful, crimson sky glow as the sun would wake up. Novah and I could run along with beach, with no care in the world except getting stones stuck in our bare feet.

A perfect life.

Yet part of me couldn't help but yearn for the chaos and bloodshed of battle, or for the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I snuck around day in and day out. I wanted to watch them all suffer, it was exciting to me.

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