Chapter 4

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My startled eyes glazed over the man now in front of me. With his kind, blue eyes sunken into his face, and his modest smile seemingly permanently curled up into the wrinkles on his.  cheeks.

God, I hated him. Everything about him just screamed fake. He was too put together, too calm. He seemed to know everything about everything, and he acted as if he respected every kid who attended Hogwarts. Yet, I couldnt help but notice how he speaks to us as if we were all children trying to figure out a math problem. I couldn't pick out one, singular thing about him that I hated, but it was Dumbledore as a whole that I despised.

And not to mention, half the fucking time he spoke in riddles and metaphors and had too many secrets for any sane man or woman to trust him.

"I didn't know you were interested in Mr. Malfoy's personal life, Ms. Maverick, but I can reassure you neither I nor the Sorting Hat can share anything with you."

"Yes, of course, Proffessor." I said quietly, staring down at my hands.

"And now I'm afraid I must ask you, Ms Maverick, why exactly are you here?"

"I was talking to the Sorting Hat, Professor. I was just-I was just curious if I was sorted into the right house," I sniffled, wiping at my eyes, "You see, I was terribly rude to one of my fellow classmates the other day, and I just-I felt horrible about what I had said to him, Proffessor, you must understand." I felt a tear slide down my cheek as I looked up at the Headmaster, watching the pity slowly twist into his expression.

"Nonsense, Josslyn. Don't worry about it, I'm sure Mr. Malfoy will forgive you for whatever it may have been that you said to him. We all say things we don't mean sometimes, I promise you, don't fret over it. I assure you, you are as Hufflepuff as they come."

"I would give anything to apologize to him right now-" I let out a small sob, "I'm sorry, it's stupid to cry..." I whispered, shamefully staring at me toes.

"No worries, your pain can only build up your tolerance. Besides, your remorse should be reassurance in itself that you have a heart of gold-a Hufflepuff through and through. I'm sure my friend here has already told you that, though." Dumbledore gestured to the Sorting Hat, who was, thankfully, already sleeping. Not that I would have expected the raggedy hat to oppose, anyways, it had proven to me already.

My secrets were safe.

I nodded, wiping away my tears that were now beginning to fall at a steady rate, "But, Proffosesor," I protested, letting my voice crack and waver as I did so, "I feel horrible, I just feel I was so mean and I must deserve some sort of punishment for being so-"

"Now, now, Josslyn. Let me escort you back to your Commom Room, it's nearly after hours! And I hate for one of my students to walk back alone, in such a state. You have done nothing wrong, and I can assure you that if, whatever you may have said was really as bad as you claim, Draco would have reported it to me. And if you need me to, I can arrange for the two of you to come to my office tomorrow for you to apologize. You have a good heart, and I would hate to see something as minor as this ruin that."

I sniffled, nodding and wiping my eyes, "Thank you, Professor, but I think I will be fine. And I'm sorry for being in your office without permission, that was very disrespectful of me and I really do apologize for that."

He looked down at me with a sad smile, "No need to apologize, Ms Maverick. Now I'll walk you to your common room, come with me."

I sighed with a shaky breath, wiping away the last of tears.

I walked with Dumbledore in silence through the halls. I protested at first, claiming I felt guilty about having him escort me all the way back to my Common Room after all he had already done for me this evening. But he claimed it wasn't a bother, and that he had planned on paying Hagrid a visit anyways.

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