Chapter 7

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"Josslyn! Josslyn, wait!"

"What?" I snapped, whirling around to face a frantic Narcissa.

Her eyes were wide and her brows were pressed together. She looked worried.

"Please close the door, Josslyn." She said sternly, looking at me in a way I imagined my mother would have looked at me if she were still here. A sad smile curled into her cheeks, and her dark, kind eyes seemed to plea for my cooperation.

I pushed the door reluctantly, watching the dark sky and shimmering stars slowly disappear as the door latched. I looked at Narcissa, my hand lingering on the door handle.

"My dad sent you after me, didn't he?" I accused, still feeling the anger spark relentlessly in my heart. But then, it was like a flip switched inside of me, and my heart was flooded with halarious memories of my father trying to fill the role of both parents. It was like a pair of big, warm, welcoming arms wrapped around my heart, slowly inflating and filling the empty void in the pit of stomach, "He always was weird when dealing with emotions. Don't get me wrong, I love him dearly and he's a great dad, but he plays a terrible mother." I laughed, and I believed it was the first genuine spurt of laughter I've had in a few days.

Narcissa's sad eyes and small smile didn't change, "No darling, he didn't. I wasn't allowed in the meeting that is currently taking place, but that's a story for another time." She tilted her head at me with small twinkle in her eye, suggesting what I dreaded to be true.

"So you heard..."

Narcissa nodded, pulling me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around her, exhaling into her shoulder. I loved my dad dearly, but I yearned for the love of a mother. It was different-more comforting, I supposed.

"Did they already give Draco the dark mark?" I asked, pulling away slightly to study Narcissa's expression.

She nodded greviously, looking down at her hands, "Yes."

"You don't have pretend to be happy about it, I understand that you're worried-"

"Come with me, darling." She interjected before I could say more, "I'll walk you back to the living area." Narcissa said kindly, intertwining her fingers in mine.

"No!" I yelped, jerking back, "I'm not going back, there. I can't-I don't-" I sighed, choking back frusterated tears. I didn't know what was wrong with me, I almost never resorted to crying. I guessed it was because even I didnt have the heart to yell at Narcissa, I could tell her heart was slowly breaking for reasons beyond my comprehension, and I didn't want to break it further. I swallowed, "I'm leaving."

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that dear. I hate to upset you more than you already are, darling. Please come back with me to the living room so I can explain everything to you, Josslyn." Narcissa said, and I knew she wasn't asking.

But it didn't matter. I wasn't going.

"Why can't you just explain it to me here?" I protested.

She sighed, "Please, Josslyn."

"No." I said, "Give me an answer, or I walk out."

I hated doing this to her. With her husband and her situation. I felt guilty making this more difficult for her. But she always told me I was like the daughter she always wanted-not that she didn't love Draco. Narcissa always told me she wanted a second child; that part of her desired to have a daughter to do daughter-y things with-things her son wouldn't do with her.

Narcissa pursed her lips, putting a slender hand on my shoulder, "I didn't lie to you, sweetheart. I was worried about you and followed you on my own accord. But the Dark Lord is waiting for you in the living room, he asked me to go find you after he realized you weren't where Lucius left you..." She trailed off, staring at my with blank eyes telling me everything I needed to know.

My dad must have been extremely angry at Lucius, most likely blaming him for my absence. What my father did to him, I wouldn't know. But it couldn't have been good.

I nodded, letting her take my hand and lead me away from the door.

She led me into the living area, our hands fading apart as I made my way to the chair farthest from Draco. My father, Lucius, Bellatrix, Narcissa, and a few other death eaters I never bothered learning the names of stood in front of me. Lucius seemed relatively fine, although he looked rather rigid and held himself with less dignity and authority than he normally did.

I shifted uncomfortably.

I felt like this was a drug intervention where they would kindly scold me about an addiction and play it off as doing it in my best interest.

"Josslyn," my father started, "I've decided that we are going to stay here for a little while. We need to stay hidden, darling you must understand. This is a big thing we are doing, bigger than you know, my dear. And-"

"I understand, dad." But I didn't. I didn't understand. Why here? Of all places why do we have to live here?

"Jossy, sweetheart, I know this is probably tough for you. You can still attend Hogwarts, but you won't be going back until next week. The original plan we discussed is still in place, but if you can't manage to bring Harry here-especially because we are now residing in Malfoy Manor, don't worry about it. We have other options."

"Dad," I smiled, "I promise. I'm okay with this. We all have to make sacrafices. You and everyone else in this room have made huge sacrafices that I would never be able to make! I can give up living comfortably for however long we need to for you. You've done so much for me, dad."

My dad cracked a small smile and scooped me up in a hug. I sighed. At least I would be able to spend this next week with my dad and would be able to be myself.

"Thank you for understanding. Narcissa will take you to your room. Mine is right across the hall. I have to run a few...errands with Lucius and Bellatrix."

Before I had a chance to responde, Lucius stood up.

"Oh of course my Lord." He looked from Narcissa to Draco, and then back at my father, "Draco!" He finally said, "Come with me."

"Lucius, please-" Narcissa begged. I could tell by the look in her eye she was close to tears.

"No." He snarled, "Now, come on, Draco. You come with me"

My dad looked at him calmly-too calmly, "Ah dear Lucius," He said slowly, making his way across the room to him, "I believe, I was speaking with my daughter! I don't remember addressing you."

Lucius stayed silent, looking shamefully at his hands.

"Now, as I was saying, Josslyn. I will return in a few hours. Don't forget to feed Novah. I'm sure Narcissa can help you find something, isn't that right?"

"Of course, My Lord." Narcissa mumbled, her pleading eyes not leaving Lucius.

"Goodbye, sweetheart. Stay safe." My dad gave me one last hug before walking out of the living area. Lucius and Draco close behind him.

I looked at Narcissa.

"Wait!" I shouted, rushing after them. My dad stopped and turned to me, showing me I had his full attention, "Draco needs to help me unpack. He promised he would."

"Absolutely not." Lucius spat, "Draco is my son, and-"

"Now, now Lucius. The boy stays. Or are you questioning my daughter's judgement?"

"Of course not, My Lord." Lucius growled, "Draco. Go."

Draco slowly stepped to my side, not meeting my gaze. I flashed him a small smile, but still got nothing in return. It almost made me regret saving his ass from going wherever my father planned on going.

My father gave me a small nod, erupting into a plume of black smoke as he did so.

And before I could say goodbye one last time, they were gone.

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