Chapter 15

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" do you feel?" I asked, sitting down on his cot in the infirmary. I sat next to his feet, not daring to get any closer to him.

"Like I just got stabbed a million times." He grumbled, propping himself up on his elbows so he could look at me. I knew he didn't want me to see it, but I could see the gratitude shining in his eyes when he looked at me. I wasn't sure why he was grateful, after all Snape had been the one to transfer all the blood back into his body, but perhaps he just appreciated that I was here with him. That I took the time out of my day to come down here and see him.

Maybe he was just happy that someone cared.

"Well, no shit. You basically were. You're lucky you're still alive, Draco. If Snape had walked in a few minutes later, you would be dead." I said, letting my imagination run wild with the thought.

I had been too concentrated on Harry to even acknowledge the alarming amount of blood Draco had been losing. If he would have died, it, ultimately would have been my fault. Yes, maybe the whole scenario wouldn't have even happened if Harry hadn't done whatever he did to Draco, but Harry would never be blamed. Never.

So how would I have been able to live with myself if that had happened?

I didn't let myself even begin to think about that. I didn't want to. It made me nauseous and angry and so many other emotions that I would tuck away so deeply in my heart that it would be nearly impossible to dig them back up.

I didn't necessarily like Draco-at least that's what I kept trying to convince myself-but I couldn't imagine my life without him in it.

"Yeah..." He said quietly, falling into a disturbing silence that made my skin itch. I watched him intently. I could almost see the gears grinding in his brain as conflict settled into his eyes.

I could tell he wanted to say something else, but I also knew he would never say it. He kept looking over at me cautiously like he thought if he didn't keep an eye on me I would somehow read his thoughts.

And thank god I couldn't. One mind was more than enough to handle.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked, scooching a tiny bit farther from his feet and closer to his kneecaps.

I couldn't help it. I wanted to near him.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, can we really stay here? After all that? You know Snape isn't loyal to my father and I know you aren't either and I know-"

"Woah, woah, woah, woah. Slow down a second. What do you mean Snape and I aren't loyal?"

It was dangerous to start trusting him. Although this wasn't a big thing, I knew if I started trusting him with these smaller things it would slowly lead into deadly secrets that not even I should know.

But when I looked into his eyes, I couldn't stop myself.

"Snape is basically a double-agent." I said, "More or less because he wants vengeance because my dad killed Harry's mom and Snape loved her. A whole big Love Triangle thing or something, I don't really know." I said, furrowing my brows as I battled with my words. The more I tried to explain the more I realized how little I knew about the situation.

He looked at me with eager eyes, waiting for me to continue. But, a huge part of me screamed that I had said enough, that I should go back to Malfoy Manor and never look back.

But I couldn't.

"And, Draco, we both know you don't want to be apart of this..." I said quietly. But then again, I didn't really want to either.

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