Charter 5

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I stared up at Malfoy Manor in all of its glory. The beautiful crafted building basked in the moonlight and seemed to reach its shadow out to me like an old friend offering their hand.

I've been there a number of times throughout my childhood-Lucius and Narcissa were like family to me, and this time shouldn't have been any different. Everything just felt so familiar as I stared into the elongated pathway that led up to front door, yet something was off. Novah whined as he looked up at me with his big, brown eyes. I touched his head, trying to reassure him that everything was as it should. But I wasn't sure how I was supposed to calm Novah's wimpers when I wasn't even sure it was safe to be here. When I was little, this manor had felt like a second home. But now it just felt like a cold, heartless building that beckoned me into it's chilling arms.

I shuddered, trying to shake away the ominous feeling that cradled my shoulders. And I couldn't help but wonder why? Why was this time so different? Why did I have the urge to turn around and sprint away like a spooked deer?

A strong breeze ruffled by robe and whipped my dark locks across my cheek, as if the universe was trying to knock the answer to my question into my head.

But I didn't need the help of the universe-or anyone, as a matter of fact-to answer the question rolling in the pit of my stomach, because in my heart I already knew.

Tonight was the night Draco would finally know. All of the hard work I've done, all of the lies I've told, would be for nothing.

But that wasn't what bothered me, and I knew it. It was the fact that Draco didn't have a choice in this. As much as I hated his guts, I pitied him. And I hated myself for that.

I made my way up the pathway, Novah lumbering closely behind me. I raised my fist and knocked twice at their door, before calmly folding my hands in front of me as I waited. A warm, soft drizzle started to fall from the sky, causing a sense relief to kindly fold around my mid section and caress my heart. I sighed, releasing the breath I hadn't even realized I had been holding.

After a few long, anxious moments the door swung open, revealing the pale, nervous face of Draco Malfoy. The panic in his eyes quickly subsided as I watched the recognition sweep across his features, turning his face into a stone cold glare.

"Good evening, Draco. Odd seeing you here." I chirped, smiling lightly at him.

He glowered down at me, a number of different accusations and assumptions swimming through his glazed eyes. I nodded slowly, pursing my lips together awkwardly.

I couldn't help but notice my snot stain was missing from his suit, he must have changed.

"I live here." He finally growled, breaking the silence, "Now get off my property before I get my father."

I just laughed, rolling my eyes at him. I gave him a friendly punch on the shoulder, which only seemed to anger him further. Oh, this opportunity was too good to waste. As much as I pitied him and his pathetic life, my hatred towards him burned brighter the more I was around him.

"Hm," I continued happily, ignoring the death stare Draco was shooting me, " I never would have guessed Draco Malfoy lived at Malfoy Manor. Really, I'm baffled. Believe me, I-"

"Is this some kind of joke to you, Muggle." He seethed, clearly unamused with my sarcasm, "Can't you see I'm not fucking laughing, you annoying little prick. Now leave before I fetch my father, and believe me, he won't be nearly as kind as I was."

When I didn't move, he slammed the door shut. A few minutes later he returned with his father, flaring his nostrils at me as if he thought he won.

"Father," Draco began, shooting me a snarky grin, "This filthy little Muggle followed me home and-"

Before he could finish, Lucius struck Draco with the back of his hand. I flinched, my eyes widening with horror as I felt my heart stop in my chest. My father told me terrible things about the relationship Lucius had with his son, but I supposed I never expected Lucius to physically abuse Draco. It had never occurred to me that, that was what my father had meant. I always just presumed there would be a lot of yelling and disagreement in the Malfoy household, but instead I found a family ruled by fear.

"That's not how we talk to our guests, Draco." His father scolded, before turning to me, "I apologize for my son's behavior, Josslyn. I promise it will never happen again. Will it, Draco?"

"No, sir." Draco mumbled, his eyes not lifting off the ground.

"Oh no, sir." I said quickly, "It's really not a big deal, I promise."

I looked at him with pleading eyes, hoping he would see the honesty within them.

He eventually nodded, although I could see the flickering suspicion in his eyes, "Thank you. Now come in, everyone is waiting."

I sighed deeply, putting my hand over my heart as I did so. Draco deserved a lot of horrible things, but abuse wasn't one of them. Even I wasn't so merciless to just stand by and watch a power driven father beat his own son. I made a mental note to speak with Narcissa later, I could only imagine how terrible Lucius treated her.

I followed Lucius and Draco inside, looking around the manor in awe as Lucius led me down a number of different halls until we finally stopped in what seemed to resemble living room.

The room was lit by the crackling fire, which Novah laid in front of almost immediately. I smiled at him, happy at least one of us was comfortable here. I let my gaze wonder around the room, noticing how pristine and new the leather sofa and chairs looked. It seemed as if nobody had ever sat in them. I noticed the huge pieces of artwork that were displayed in thick, golden frames hung up on the walls. The intricate frames alone looked like they costed more than my life.

"You both are supposed to wait here until someone comes and gets you. The... adults need to discuss a few things, first." Lucius said slowly, looking from me to Draco, and then back to me. His eyes lingered on me before he scoffed, as if he were unimpressed with how the daughter of the dark lord turned out.

I fought the on coming eye roll, reserving it for after he left the room, "Of course." I agreed. I looked over at Draco, who still wouldn't look up from the floor, "We understand. This is a very big day, I suppose. I guess my father had this arranged that we wait, right? He was always very protective over me when it came to this stuff, so I can't say I'm surprised."

"Indeed." Lucius grumbled. "Keep an eye on my son, Ms Riddle, and let me know immediately if he is disrespectful to you again."

"Of course, Mr. Malfoy. Have a lovely evening."

"As to you. Enjoy your time out here, Josslyn. Time away really is precious." He said stiffly.

I nodded, not bothering to watch him walk out.

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