Chapter 13

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Katie Bell. That's all I ever heard about anymore. I mean, don't get me wrong, I was happy the attention was off my mysterious return, the rumors about what happened between me and Draco after the party (which was nothing), and me punching Hermione (she was still pretty pissed about it, and had a black eye, a fat lip, and what turned out to be a broken rib). Although I had only had the spotlight for a matter of hours yesterday, it had been enough to make my stomach turn.

I usually loved attention, but for once I wanted everyone to forget I even existed. It would make it less painful. My father had warned me about how attached you can become to Hogwarts. He said it would suck you in to its delusion and never let you go. Even now he still admits he did enjoy some of his time at Hogwarts, but how could he not? He had, had nothing, and then suddenly he had a home. But even that wasn't enough to make him stay. He always emphasized how he loved the physical school, not the people in it or the ideas behind it.

I never understood what he meant then, and had reassured him I wouldnt become too attatched. That I would hate it forever. But now I realize you can't just spend six years of your life somewhere, especially when you originally go there as a child, and not make any attachments. It was impossible. I had grown up here, whether I had wanted to or not, so part of me would always have a soft spot for this place.

But, even so, if I heard one more person say Katie's name I was going to lose my shit.

Apparently at Hogsmeade yesterday she had been found cursed by a necklace she was supposed to be delivering to Dumbledore. And yes, I was worried at first.

But she was fine now. No harm done. And it was her fault anyway. She never had to touch the necklace, but she did anyways.

Of course the Golden Trio had found her, and yes-I'm almost one hundred percent sure Dumbledore had given Gryffindor an absurd amount of points for their "acts of bravery". Even though all they did was show up at the right place at the right time.

I hated them. Part of me could have been jealous of what they had, I will admit. But mostly I wanted to watch the pain on their faces as they watched the people they've known for six years die and their world burn. Whenever that time would come, I didn't know. But I hoped it would be soon.

I picked at my food. I was playing with it more than I was eating it. The food here tasted like crayons. It was terrible. I'm not sure why everyone liked it so much, I mean yes, it looked good, but it wasn't. Just like almost everything else in this school. As much as the teachers would try to deny it, everyone cared more about how Hogwarts looked to the public than the actual education system.

"Hey," I whispered to Mati who was planted next to me. She hadn't said a word all afternoon, which was odd for her, "Have you seen Draco at all today?"

I really wanted to talk to him. Well, more like I needed to. As much as I hated to admit it to myself, I was worried about him. Knowing his situation and knowing him, he would let his father, my father, and his Dark Mark eat away his soul before he disobeyed anyone of them.

And I knew it was killing him.

He's seemed better recently, or so I thought. But last night before we got into the Slytherin Common room, I had seen something in his eyes that told me otherwise. I needed to send and owl to my father as sooner as possible. If Draco wouldn't stand up for himself, my father could just pull him off the ground. My dad would definitley be upset and maybe even worried when I asked him to leave Draco go, but I knew he would do it. I knew he would understand.

"No." Mati said sharply tugging me out of my thoughts, not even bothering to turn her head towards me. She stabbed her fork into a peice of pineapple, rolling her eyes. I couldn't even remotely what I asked her, but she was clearly mad at me for something, so I didn't want to tell her that.

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