Chapter 24

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"You!" I shouted, feeling the tears stream down my face as I stood next to Novah's lifeless body, "You killed him. You killed my dog."

Ron was unmistakable. He stood there with wild eyes as he looked from me to Novah and then back to me, "Josslyn, I swear, let me explain..." He sputtered, putting his hand up in surrender, "I didn't know he was your dog, I bloody swear! He was barking and would have given us away. Now be quiet before they realize we're here..." He grabbed my wrist, pulling me away from Draco, "And one word from you, Malfoy, and I'll bloody kill you myself." He hissed, stepping in front of me.

Draco just chuckled, crossing his arms and looking at the straggly ginger with a half smile on his face, "Weasel, dont get your ass hair in a twist. It's not me you should be worried about."

Ron stiffened, furrowing his eyebrows, "Then who-" without missing a beat I wrapped my arm around his neck and swung at his temple. A sickening crunch echoing through the empty air around me as my knuckles came in contact with his skull. Blood dripped from my knuckles, but I didn't care. I punched him again, this time in the nose. Then again under his jaw, and I didn't stop until I was sure his pale skin would forever be stained red with his own blood. He would pay for Novah's life one way or another.

Hot tears streamed down my face as white, fiery rage stained my vision. I panted, not sure if the agonized cries piercing the air were coming from Ron or me.

He sunk to the ground, struggling through strained gasps of air. I tightened my arm around his neck, watching his eyelids begin to flutter as his flailing body started to slow.

I collapsed with him, falling effortlessly to my knees as I buried my tear streaked face into my hands.

I felt Draco kneel next to me, wrapping his arms around me as I sobbed so hard I though I would cough up my heart. I knew my tears and snot would stain his shirt, but Draco didn't seem to care. Or if he did, he didn't realize. He rubbed one hand over the small of my back, not saying a word.

I felt so weak.

"Can we bury him," I sniffled, cracking my eyes open and lifting my head off his shoulder just so I could see the stiff, lifeless body of Novah a few feet away from me.

"Later," He promised, lifting my shaking body into his lap, "Right now, we need to go. I'm sure Potter and Granger have to be around here somewhere. If they find the elder wand, we're fucked. And I don't think you can handle two losses tonight..." Draco mumbled, gently wrapping his hands around mine and pulling me up with him.

Draco was right. Potter was definitely around here somewhere. Ron wasn't risky enough to come on his own, in fact I doubted he even wanted to come. I smiled. Ron's breathing was slow and shallow, part of me hoped it would stop all together. A life for a life.

I stared at him, wondering if I should just finish him off. But I knew it would be much more entertaining to watch him wake up in the immense amount of pain he was sure to be in. He didn't deserve death. He deserved pain of the worst kind.

And as long as I lived, I would make sure he would wish he was dead.

I cracked my knuckles, wiping away the tears blurring my eyes, "If I find him first, I get to kill him."

Draco smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear and holding my face in his hands, "Of course you do, darling. Of course you do."


"Draco?" Lucious growled, looking his son in the eye. Harry, or who I assumed I was Harry, was tied up in one of the Malfoy's intricate wooden chairs. Bellatrix's wand was pressed against his swollen neck. I could tell she was just itching to kill him, "Is this Harry Potter?"

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