Chapter 22

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"What's wrong?" I asked Draco, putting my hand on his thigh. I met his blank stare, a little caught off guard by it. Usually he only got this way when people were around, but never when it was just the two of us. Especially at night.

Draco at night was a lot more feel-y, intimate, touch-y, but also more sweet and emotional. As I've said, the dark does things to people. But now, as we began to climb into bed, I could tell something was definitely bothering him.

Two weeks ago, after we kissed on the Astronomy Tower, Draco and I had fled back to Malfoy Manor. Since then, we have mostly kept to ourselves, besides when we had meeting with the other Death Eaters and I had to spend time with my father. Well, I didn't have to, but he missed me and insisted we do something together whenever he had a spare minute. Puzzles, games, eating lunch together, or watching movies, my dad always insisted that we do something together that wasn't work related.

I appreciated it more than he would ever know, but I always felt bad about him sacrificing precious moments in his days and nights just to spend time with me. He has sacrificed so much to give the perfect life, and with the time so close to finishing out the plan he has had in motion for longer than I've even been alive, I've felt horrible about him giving up hours almost every single day to be with me.

I always told him that we could spend so much time together after Harry was dead that we would grow tired of each other.

My dad would always just shake his head and laugh and say, 'The precious moments are now."

That shut me up every time. How could I even begin to argue with that?

The night we came home had been the first time I had seen my dad in weeks. He had hugged me so tightly that I thought my organs would burst. But that was before I had told him about Draco and me. That had been something else entirely, and I was glad Draco hadn't been in killing distance when I first told him.

It had gone something like this...

Me: I missed you, Dad.

Dad: I missed you too, Jossy. What did you do at Hogwarts all that time? You had been there much longer than we originally planned.

Me: Oh...nothing much!

Dad: Nothing much? If it was 'nothing much' then why are you smiling so much!

Me: Because...

Dad: Because why?

Me: Because I found myself a boyfriend...

Dad: YOU ARE TOO YOUNG FOR A BOYFRIEND. *pauses* *takes deep breath* I'm sorry, as long as you are happy. That's all that matters to me, you know that.

Me: I do.

Dad: So who is the lucky man who gets to date my lovely daughter?

Me: Draco...

Dad: I'm gonna kill that son of a-

Me: No you aren't. You are going to be nice to him and keep him safe, Dad. Please? For me?

Dad: Fine. But I'm not happy about this. You better not leave me in the same room with him. I can't trust myself not to "accidentally" kill him.

So far there hasn't been an issue, although I think somehow Draco is more scared of him now than ever before, which I find hilarious.

"Nothing..." He mumbled, placing his hand rigidly on top of mine.

I turned his head towards me and forced him to look at me. I didn't need him going through anymore than he had to alone.

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