Chapter 21

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"He's dead! He's dead! He's dead!" Bellatrix sang, she threw her head back, laughing, "The old wizard is dead!" She flicked her wand, casting a Dark Mark in the night sky. I watched as her and the other Death Eaters fled the Astronomy Tower, cheering victoriously. I was sure they were on their way to trash the school, and I couldn't blame them.

I wanted to join them.

But I couldn't move.

My eyes were too focused on the blonde haired boy in front of me, staring at me as if I was some sort of poison.

But I guess in a way I was.

"Draco-" I started, but it was no use.

"You killed him." He said quietly, his eyes boring into mine, "You killed him." He repeated, but this time his voice was louder. Angrier.


"No, Josslyn. Stop. You avoid me for weeeks. You completely abandon me. And then you show up here and you-"

"Don't act like you weren't just standing their with your wand pointed at him, Draco." I shrieked, "You we're going to kill him, too!"

Draco laughed, taking a step closer to me. It amazed me how quickly he could go from a trembling, scared boy to this angry, hallow shell that stood in front of me now.

"We both know I wasn't going to, Josslyn." He growled, "And even if I did, it was only because you never got me out of doing this like you promised you would. You never talked to your dad like you promised you would. He said he was going to fucking kill me if Dumbledore wasn't dead when we came home!" He screamed, throwing his arms in the air.

"I wouldn't have let that happen..." I whispered, looking up at his creased eyebrows and bright, angry, blue eyes.

"Yes you would have, Josslyn."


"You left. That's what you did. Then you killed a man who has been there for both of us when nobody else was. So what would stop you from letting your dad kill me?" He laughed lightly, running a hand through his hair, "Nothing."

"Stop." I screamed, "I killed him because if I didn't Snape would have."

"At least the Elder Wand would have been in safe hands then!" He fired back, "But now who has it? You. You have it. You have the god damn wand that will destroy the whole fucking world once you run off and give it your father."

"I'm not going to give it to him, Draco!" I screeched, pulling down on my hair. I heaved, trying to calm myself down. This wasn't the time, or the place, to be mad. I had no right to be. Draco at least had a reason, well, many reasons, to be pissed off at me. I couldn't blame him.

"What?" He said, his voice lowering.

I looked at him as I watched the rage slowly drain from his face as it was replaced with confusion. At least I had his attention. At least he was interested in speaking to me.

I sighed.

"I'm keeping it. I'm not going to give it my dad."

"Oh.." He said.

"Yeah, oh." I mumbled flatly.

After another moment  or two, I turned to leave. I had no reason being here.

"Josslyn, wait." Draco sighed, and I could hear his footsteps behind me as he muttered a series of aggravated curses under his breath.

I kept walking.

"You can't just leave me again!" He shouted, "You said it yourself, Josslyn. Being alone is dangerous. So why want to be alone?"

"Draco, stop following me. Leave me alone. Please." I begged, trying to keep the anger out of my voice. I didn't have a right to be mad. I just had to keep reminding myself that.

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