Chapter 12

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"Oh..." I groaned, burying my face in the pillow, "Why does the sun have to be so fucking bright..."

My head pounded as I squeezed my eyes tighter, trying to block out the sneaky tendrils of light that were trying to pierce my eyelids.

I felt something heavy shift beside me and I curled forward into the weight. I don't remember going back to Malfoy Manor, or anything after taking the shots of whatever the bartender had seemingly poisoned me with, but at least I was back in the comfort of my own bed next to Novah.

I rolled over, slowly cracking my eyelids open in hopes to be greeted by the bright, spacious room that I had woken up to every morning for the past few weeks. But instead I was bombarded with dark greens, blacks, whites, and golds.

I never went back to Malfoy Manor.

I was in one of the Slytherin dorms.

My body went rigid as I sucked in a breath. I racked my brain, trying to at least remember something from last night.

"Mmm..." Someone moaned next to me, and I felt the same weight from earlier roll away from me, leaving my back to feel cold and naked.

I knew that voice.

"What the fuck?" I shrieked, scrambling out of the warm comfort of the bed. I breathed frantically, my eyes like daggers as I watched Draco bolt upright and stare at me with the same startled look on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, scanning my body up and down as if he were searching for injuries, "What happened? Why are you in my shirt? Why are you in my room? Why were you in my bed? Where the fuck are we?" He shouted, squinting at me like he could find the answers written on my forehead.

I watched him glance around the room and the realization dawn on him. From what I gathered, he couldn't remember anything either.

"Do you think we..." I asked slowly, raising my eyebrows accusingly at him.

"No, one of us would know, right? Like, I feel like I would feel something. Do you feel anything? I don't feel anything." He said, his voice raising nervously a couple octaves as he rubbed the back if his neck.

"I don't feel anything." I said quickly, throwing my hands up in surrender, "I can't fucking remember what the hell happened either. Last I remember we were taking shots and then...maybe I punched someone?" I grumbled, looking down curiously at my swollen knuckles.

"Last thing I can remember I was taking like the 4th shot, and then just-blank." He gestured, shrugging half heartedly. I watched him flop back onto the pillow, running a hand through his messy bed head. I could only imaged how horrible I looked.

I look away from him, my eyes landing on the two other guys passed out on the floor.

"Listen," I hissed, "We can figure this out later. Right now, I have to figure out how to get back to the Hufflepuff common room without anyone noticing."

It made more sense to just stay here rather than try to sneak back to Malfoy Manor. After all, we were arranged to return tomorrow, so it made more sense to just stay. I made a mental note to send an owl to Narcissa later this evening so she could send us our trunks-and Novah.

"Good luck." He opened an eye, smirking at me as he exhaled.

"Yeah." I mumbled flatly, "I'll need it."


"Where have you been!" Mati exclaimed, pulling me into a tight hug. I hugged her back, leaning into her shoulder. I didn't know what to say, but, in the moment, I didn't have to say anything. And I was grateful for those seconds of bliss she had provided me with.

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