Chapter 3

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"Ah, I remember you." The Sorting Hat purred, "Josslyn Riddle. Six years ago you threatened to throw me into the Slytherin fire place if I didn't sort you in Hufflepuff."

I glanced around Dumbledore's empty office nervously, "And I stand by what I said. If you told anyone I wouldn't hesitate to toss you into the one in Hufflepuff common room."

The Sorting Hat scoffed, and I was ninety percent sure if he could have rolled his eyes, he would have. The Sorting Hat wasn't known to be very welcoming, and I don't blame him-Mati and Ced have confronted me about being hostile more times than I could count.

"Did you just bother me to reminisce on our one very short, very unpleasant, encounter? Or is there a reason, Ms Riddle?"

I barked out a laugh at the sound of my last name. God, I loved how it sounded. The power, the fear, the authority it gave me was better than anything this school could ever offer me.

Before I had the chance to responde, the old, grouchy hat huffed, "What am I saying, of course there is reason. You wouldn't come up here to just have a friendly conversation with me, no, that's not right. Not one Hufflepuff quality could I ever find in you, Riddle, just like your father. I remember Tom, as Slytherin as they came, always coming to me and looking for information, he always did. But that's not the case for you, now, is it? You want something, but not of the kind your father wanted when he came to me on those countless, bothersome occasions. So now tell me, Ms Riddle, what is it that you want?"

I had to admit to myself, the scrappy piece of brown cloth was smarter than I had originally pegged it to be. I grinned, happy this was going smoothly. I had expected less cooperation from the Sorting Hat, but I supposed even a clothing article had enough common sense not to fuck with me-or my father.

"You know things about me." I said, feeling a cold gust of air blow in through the desolate office. A shiver climbed up my spine, making it's way up and over my shoulders, "You know things know one else knows, things nobody else can know. You said you told my father things-"

"I never said I told him what he desired to know, just that he came looking for it." The Sorting Hat corrected.

I rolled my eyes, "Same difference."

"Not 'same difference', Riddle. There is a very big difference, and if you want to receive whatever it is you're here for, I hope you realize that."

I pursed my lips, fighting the urge to rip my hair out and scream out of frusteration.

This could be much worse, I reminded myself, he could be much for resentful, don't blow it, Joss.

I closed my eyes, inhaled, exhaled, and then opened them to see the Sorting Hat looking at me with a knowing smirk on its face. It knew what it was doing-trying to get under my skin.

"Nevertheless," I smiled, "I need to know if you told anyone anything about me. It's important that you tell me what you told them and who it was."

The Sorting Hat sighed, looking rather irritated with me, "Ah, ah, ah, Ms. Riddle. I know many things about many students. You'll have to remind me what it is you think I've told."

I groaned, wondering if it was possible to strangle a hat, "I have nothing to tell you but what you already know. Now just tell me if you've told anyone."

"I believe Dumbledore will soon be here."

"Well then tell me what I need to know!" I yelled, looking up and groaning outwardly at the ceiling. I ran my hand down over my face, "Just tell me. Yes or no, it's not that hard."

"You are a relentless one, aren't you. That was one thing your father was good at, he was very ambitious. But he couldn't hone in his rage, your self control makes you all the more dangerous ."

"Thanks." I said, "I try."

"It was most certainly not a compliment, I can promise you that."

"Compliment, or not, I just want to know what you told him."

"Aha!" The Sorting Hat chirped, "So you know more than you let on. You knew he was here associating with me.

I nodded.

"Ah yes," the hat continued, "Draco Malfoy, I do remember when I sorted him. I still think I have some of his Hair Gel on me from all of those years ago.

At that, I couldn't help but giggle.

"It's not funny."

"Of course not, yeah, no. That's tragic, I'm very sorry that happened to you, I hope you make a full recovery."

The Sorting Hat chuckled, "You have much more patience that your father, it makes me think about how well you would have done in Slytherin."

"I soon won't if you don't give me a god damn answer." I muttered.

"Relax, relax. He was here asking questions about you. He suspects things, he does, suspects you to be Slytherin-possibly Gryffindor. He is very observant, you should know, and finds you to be rather peculiar. The boy doesn't trust you, not even close, but believes you are working against him. But I told him nothing but to get out of the Headmaster's office, I can swear to you that, Ms. Riddle."

I felt a warm wave of relief flood my body.

Draco doesn't know.

But I couldn't stop thinking about what that crinkly, brown, piece of useless fabric had just said-Draco thinks I'm working against him...

Which means he's now working with his father...

So he's probably working alongside my father and the other death eaters...

"Wait-is Draco-"

"I've said enough." The hat spat, "Now leave me alone."

"No, but I need to know if-"

"I believe Mr. Malfoy's affairs outside of Hogwarts are for you to discuss with him, Ms Maverick."

My heart jumped in my chest as I whirled around. I heard the Sorting Hat snicker behind me. I was going to murder that hat one way or another.

But for now...


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