Chapter 16

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I woke up, a hard throb pulsating painfully behind my eyes. It made me wonder if there were little men in my head kicking my eye sockets or something. Madam Pomphrey already hated me due to...prior incidents that I may or may not had something or everything to do with, so I wouldn't put it past her to put pixies up my nose and into my brain. I knew if I opened my eyes, the excruciatingly bright lights of the infirmary would only make my pounding headache worse. Just the thought made the pain just a little more agonizing.

But that's not what influenced my decision to keep my eyelids clamped shut.

I heard a lot of different voices in the infirmary. I couldn't recognize most of them, but I could definitely pick out a few. Dumbledore, the nurses, Madam Pomphrey, Pansy, Blaise, and Snape were closest to us. I could sense their presence near the cot we were on due to the stares I could feel burning into the back of my head. Not only that, the unease in the air made my skin crawl. This was, yet again, one of the few instances I would pick flight over fight. Everyone was on edge, and it plagued over me like I was none but the host to whatever this virus was. I snuggled a little closer Draco, hoping his one arm looped loosely around my side could somehow shield me from them.

I had no such luck.

I thought I heard Mati and Ced too, but I wasn't sure. I tried to distract myself with what the students in the distance were chattering about. They were probably visiting whomever else was stuck in the infirmary, but I couldn't make out a word they were saying. I hoped whatever it was, didn't include me. Or Draco. Or Harry. Or my dad. But I doubted. Not with the audience my seemingly unconscious body currently had.

I could feel myself nestled snuggly into Draco's chest, and for once I didn't want to turn away. I mean, it was mostly due to the fact that I was scared that if I moved one of the adults-or students-would know I was awake, and then they would know I knew that they saw me basically cuddling with Draco. And I couldn't even begin to imagine how vulnerable I must have looked, it sickened my to think people were seeing me in such a state: asleep and depending on a man. But not only that, if they knew I was awake I would be forced into doing whatever they wanted. I wasn't sure why Dumbledore and Snape were here, but I knew it wasn't out of the kindness in their own hearts. And I knew I didn't want to find out what that reason was. Not right now, at least. I prayed that when I do, it's solely about me receiving some sort of disciplinary treatment.

"We should go, Albus." Professor McGonagal. She was here too, "Just look at them. It doesn't take a fool to know these kids aren't going to be waking up anytime soon."

"Minerva, I'm sure Poppy could wake them up. They should be separated, anyways. This is against the school rules, and if we make exceptions other students will start getting ideas." Dumbledore countered, his voice raspy through the thickness of his beard.

"I've had both of them in class, Dumbledore. This was an accident, I can assure you of that. And after the night they had, I would prefer this over neither of them sleeping. I don't know if you noticed, but both of them looked like they hadn't slept in weeks before today." Minerva snapped, her voice close enough to a hiss that I could tell she was getting irritated.

Minerva huffed when he didn't respond, and I could hear the loud clack of her heels as she walked out. I wasn't sure if she was doing me a favor, or trying to make me want to stab myself. Either way, color flushed into my cheeks. I didn't get embarrassed easily, but this would definitely strip away my dignity.

Especially since Mati already thought we were dating. I wondered if she told them-or anyone for that matter. I made a mental note to update Draco on that whole situation as soon as we were alone. If we would ever be alone. The hushed whispers from the people crowding closer and closer to our little bed seemed to be never ending, and I started to worry if they would never leave. I didn't know what was so important that they had to be here, but I wasn't sure I wanted to know, either.

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