Chapter 6

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"Is your dad always like that to you?" I whispered. I looked at Draco expectantly, waiting for an answer.

He stared blankly into fireplace, not even a flicker of recognition that he had even heard my voice crossed his face.

"Draco." I hissed, "I asked you a fucking question."

"Shut it, Mudblood. You were the last thing I wanted in my house, and now you're sitting next to me in my parent's living room." He muttered, completely dodging my question.

"Thing?" I asked bluntly, crossing my arms over my chest, "Really? Just because my parents are regular people doesn't mean I'm a 'thing'."

He dipped his head down and groaned into his hands, turning to me slightly with exhausted, blood shot eyes, "I don't know what the hell you are, but whatever it is, I don't want you in my  parent's house."

He didn't say it, but I knew he didn't want my dad here either. And I couldn't blame him.

"Trust me," I reassured him, "This is the last place I want to be."

I took notice to the way he sat, with his body slumped over so his chin could rest in his hands. His elbows were propped up on his knees and his gaze never once left the enticing flames of the flickering fire. I couldn't help but wonder why he had said his parent's house instead of calling it his own. I shook my head, convincing myself I was looking at the small choice of words too deeply.

"That's some way to speak to me. Mudblood is do I want to put this..." I mused, turning my head towards him, "disrespectful, I believe is the word your father would use."

I watched a flare of panic shoot into Draco's expression, and smiled contently to myself, "I knew it," I taunted, "Draco Malfoy: the boy who fears his father. That's pathetic." I spat.

Did I feel sorry for him? Yes. Was I going to let that sway my feelings towards him? No. His unfortunate life didn't effect me, so why should I care? Why should I feel the need to help him? It wasn't my problem he lived a shitty life with shitty parents.

"At least I have a father."

"I may not have a father, but I have a dad. That's more than you can say, Malfoy."

"What's the god damn difference?" He screamed, finally standing up.

Draco turned to face me, and my heart dropped when I met his eyes. His expression, his posture, his stance, the way he was looking at me-all of it just radiated a dangerous anger that told me I had taken one step too far. I had crossed a line that I could never un-cross. Yes, we hated each other before, but that was an innocent hatred that usually escalated no further than name-calling and being sarcastic to one another. Before, we never actually hated each other, but we hated the mere idea of each other. Before, the hate would immediatley evaporate after we graduated Hogwarts because it was no more than in-school taunting and bullying. But this? This felt different. Draco didn't hate me in this moment, he wasn't mad because of my words, he was mad at me. And something about that fact stung.

"Draco, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have-"

"No, you shouldn't have!" He yelled, "But you did, you stupid, stupid, Mudblood! I don't care who in fucking bloody hell your dad is, Josslyn. I don't give a damn what your fairy tale story is, or how you got to where you fucking are. All you are is a Muggle who got lucky. That's all it is, you got god damn lucky."

"Lucky?!" I shrieked, "You think I wanted this, Draco? You think I wanted to go to school every single day lying to everyone? Do you really think that I wanted my dad to kill everyone I loved including himself?" I roared, watching a condescending look of sympathy filter into his eyes, "Do you actually think I wanted this fucking life? My whole god damn life is a lie, Draco! You have people that care about you, you have a chance. And you have a fucking choice, so stop acting like you don't."

"You think I chose this? You think I don't lie every single god damn day of my life? You act like you have nothing. But at the end of the day, you have a family that loves you to go home to. You have friends that actually give a shit about you." He seethed, I watched his chest aggressively rise and fall and his hands curl up into fists. He looked rabid-like a wild animal.

"I think you chose to choose this! Like right now, what the fuck is stopping you from saying no? What's stopping you from walking out? What's stopping you, Draco? Tell me." I bellowed, shooting upright and throwing my hands in the air.

"Oh, I don't know! Maybe my father, your care taker, my aunt, the fact that if I choose to walk out any one of those people will fucking kill me!" He took a step closer to me, lowering his voice an octave, "All you ever do is prance around like you don't give two shits about anything. Because you don't have to. You don't have to care about things, it be afraid if things. You call me privileged? Take a look in the mirror."

He shook his head, a quirk of a smile curling up in his lip. Draco snorted, straightening his back and crossing his arms as he waited for my response.

"Because you know so much about me, don't you! Did you know he made me watch? I watched my family die at the hands of the man I trusted. I trusted him! And I know you've probably never seen your mom scream and cry and be held up by her hair with a gun at her temple, you've never probably seen someone you love lie lifelessly in their own blood, and you've probably never fucking felt your dad's body flop into your lap after he killed himself instead of you. So I'm sorry my privileged ass went out and found myself a better life." I shouted, my hands gripping onto my hair. I wouldn't have been surprised if smoke would have started fuming out of my ears.

"That was so fucking long ago, Josslyn! Stop using it as an excuse-"

"My dead family is not an excuse, Draco." I shrieked.

"So what! You've had some childhood trauma! Big fucking deal. Get over it."

"I swear to god, Draco, you did not just tell me 'Get Over' my fucking PTSD."

"Yeah. I did. Because the fact if the matter is, Josslyn, your shit is in the past. Mine isn't."

"All I wanted to do was play fucking Candyland!" I screamed, feeling the frusterated tears threaten my eyes, "I just..." I heaved, my voice softening as I stared blankly into the empty air in front of me, "Candyland..."

"What in bloody hell are you even talking about?" He said furiously. I glanced up at him, noticing the dangerous stare plastered across his face.

"Nevermind." I grumbled, "Preform the fucking ceremony without me. I'm done."

I tossed my wand at his feet, and stormed out of Malfoy Manor.

And I didnt look back.

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