Chapter 17

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"You aren't going." Draco said as he flopped down across my bed. He'd been fighting me on this since yesterday, and still wouldn't relent.

"Draco." I sighed, peaking my head out of the closet, "We've been over this! I'm going. It's one date. It's not that big of a deal."

He just shook his head, and returned his stare to the white ceilings above my bed. I rolled my eyes, and returned to the safety of my closet. I'd been staring at the same array of clothing for the past 30 minutes, wondering what exactly one would wear to a date that consisted of eating food and sitting in front of a fireplace.

"No such thing. One minute you're on date number one, and the next you're fighting over who gets to keep the cat after you file the divorce papers." He said, snickering to himself.

"I'm not sure what offends me more. The fact that you think I'll have a cat when I'm older, or the fact that you think I'll never have a lasting marriage." I mean, I'm most likely never going to be married, anyways. With my father being Voldemort and me having a Dark Mark, the chances of someone loving me even after they knew all of that were low. I probably wouldn't even go on more than two or three dates with Blaise, solely to spare myself the heartbreak. Not that I'd get my heart broken, anyways, considering that I don't even like Blaise. I only agreed to go on a date with him to help myself.

The more I thought about it, the more I came to realize that I had never been in love. I've had boyfriends, yes, but only for my own gain. In third year I'd dated Neville Longbottom so he would help me cheat on my Botany exams, second year I dated Lee Jordon for a little bit in order to get my hands on some of the twins prank supplies, fourth year I dated that kid Cormic McLaggen to make all the other girls jealous, and finally fifth year I dated Zacharias Smith so I could get into Dumbledores Army, and then probably a few other guys throughout the years that didn't benefit me enough to give me a reason to remember them.

But Draco didn't need to know that. It would only add fuel to his fire.

"Probably the cat thing." He said loosely, and I can tell he was getting bored, "I'm not sure Novah would appreciate a cat very much. Speaking of which, my mom said she'll have, um, Bellatrix bring him in then..." Draco mumbled hollowly, and it hurt me to know he was becoming more and more of an empty shell as the days passed.

I knew he had been referring too when the Death Eaters planned on raiding the school through the vanishing cabinets. I bit my lip, I wanted to ask when exactly that would be, but I knew he wouldn't want to talk about it.

"What about this?" I asked, stepping out of the closet.

Draco craned his neck to look at me and gave me a childish grin, "You look like you're wearing pajamas." He sneered, his eyes narrowing.

He meant it to be harmful-to strip down my confidence. Maybe this was another one of his attempts to try to convince me cancel the date I had with Blaise, but it wouldn't work. I laughed at him, and it was much more harsh than I had meant it to be. Thankfully, I don't think he noticed. The last thing I needed was for something to trigger another argument.

"That's cuz I am." I said shortly, matching his lop sided smile with my own, "I don't know what the fuck to wear, and we're literally going to be sitting on the fucking sofa anyways. Besides, it'll make him feel embarrassed because no matter what he wears he'll be over dressed."

"Whatever." He mumbled, running a hand through his messy hair, "If that's what you want. If you just want to leave me alone and go out looking homeless, you can do that. It's no big deal. " He flicked his eyebrows at me as a victimizing smile stained his lips. He met my eyes, as if to say, 'you're move'.

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