Chapter 2

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"Please open your chapter 4." Snape said slowly, I watched his hateful eyes scan the classroom and land on Harry, Ron, and Hermione with a look of disgust.

I snorted, brushing a strand of hair out of my face as I stared down at the textbook. I absolutely despised this class, it was beyond boring and I swear I've learned nothing. I never understood the point in making your own potions when you can just buy them, or better yet-take them from Snape's supply closet.

"Hey," Mati whispered from my right side, tapping me on the shoulder to get my attention, "Where did you go last night? Moaning Myrtle said you never went to the bathroom..."

"Maybe I went to a different bathroom." I mumbled, shrugging. I tapped my wand absentmindedly on the table, hoping it would magically turn into a port key and transport me literally anywhere but here.

"We both know that's not true, Joss. You only ever go see Moaning Myrtle that early in the morning." Mati raised an eyebrow at me and rolled her eyes, not buying a word I said. Not that I really cared, I was exhausted-as always.

She was right though. Moaning Myrtle was the only one who cared enough to talk to me that early in the morning, and, she was surprisingly funny and just overall great to be around. Not to mention she knows all of the secrets of the school and gives me great blackmail to use against people. It's become a habbit to spend my restless early mornings and late nights with her, and Mati knew that.

I sighed, turning to her, "I went on a walk to clear my head, for your information. I couldn't stand watching you and Cedric drool over eachother."

A light pink flushed into her cheeks as she looked away, "Well maybe you should have been sorted into Ravenclaw if you wanna be such a smart ass." She grumbled.

"Witty." I retorted, "Maybe I am a bad influence on you."

"Of course you are, I'm not even sure how you were sorted into hufflepuff somedays. But I guess actions speak louder than words." She said, shrugging and turning her attention back to her potions book.

The rest of the class dragged on, as it always does, before Snape finally dismissed us. I hugged Mati tightly before mumbling a quick goodbye as I watched her leave for her transfiguration class.

I headed for the great hall, deciding to utilize my free period there. As I walked through the huge set of doors, my eyes immediately landed on Ron, Harry, and the weasley twins sitting at one of the end tables. I made my way over to them, sitting down beside Harry.

"Hey, Harry!" I sang, turning my entire body to face him. Harry looked at me, confused and rather startled.

He pushed his glasses up farther on his nose before looking at me, skeptically. His bright eyes pierced mine.

"Um, Hello Josslyn. It's nice to uh, see you I guess." He swallowed, looking from me to Ron and the twins on the other side of the table.

At the sight of Harry's panicked eyes turning to them as a cry for help, the twins shared a look that told me everything I needed to know for the upcoming situation. I guessed Harry was going to be made very uncomfortable, and I was going to be the focus of it. Fred and George grinned at me, before quickly flickering the giddy gleam in their eyes towards Harry.

"Anyways!" I started, trying to shut down whatever was coming before it even started, "I was wondering, Harry, if-"

"Oh, Harry, always such a ladies man." Fred joked, chiming into our conversation-if you could even call it so much as a conversation.

"And he didn't even introduce her to us. Overall, Harry, I'm disappointed in you." George added, snickering. "And to think you're the chosen one! Yet you didn't even choose to use your manne. I'm just disgusted. And your girlfriend should be too." He added, winking at me.

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