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Caroline's POV
   It has been five months, and still no word about going to war. Klaus and I are happy. I have been training with Elijah, still. He keeps telling me I am getting better. Kathrine and I finally became friends. Stefan and Rebekah are together. Klaus and I had gone on more dates in the last five months. Christmas is next week.

     Anyway, I woke up, and put on my yoga pants, my blue crop top, my black leather jacket, and my blue heels. I went downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge, and drank it. Kat came into the kitchen and said, " Hey."

  I said, " Hey. Is Elijah out back?"

She said, " Yep."

  I nodded, and went to the back door. I went outside, and to Elijah, who was standing by the woods. We went into the clearing in the woods, and I said, " Why are you still training me?"

  He said, " You need to get better at fighting."

   I said, " Why?"

   He sighed and said, " Niklaus has been wanting to know how good you are at fighting, so he can have you train a couple hybrids."

  I said, " Aren't I good?"

  He said, " You are. This is our last session, then you can start training some hybrids."

  I nodded, and we started fighting. We fought for another five hours.

Five hours later, we started walking towards the house. He said, " You can train hybrids, tomorrow."

    I said, " That's great."

   He smiled, and said, " Can I ask you something?"

  I said, " What is it?"

He said, " Do you think Katerina is ready for marriage?"

   I said, " What? You are planning on asking Kat to marry you."

  He said, " Yeah. Is she ready for it?"

  I said, " She loves you, Elijah. Ask her. You both are deeply and madly in love with each other. I'm sure she is ready."

  He said, " Thank you, Caroline."

  I said, " No problem. Is Klaus still with his hybrids?"

  He said, " I believe so. Why?"

  I said, " I wanted to surprise him. See you later, Elijah."

  He nodded, and I flashed away. I sped to the camp. I walked towards the camp, and heard Klaus's voice. I went towards his voice, and heard another voice. Not just any voice Claire's voice. I hid behind a tree, and listened to what they were talking about.

Claire said, " Niklaus, be with me, and not that pathetic whore."

    I peeked around the tree, and seen Claire and Klaus kissing. I had tears running down my cheeks, and flashed away. I didn't know where I was going, till I ended up at our spot. It was the view of the city. I sat down on the ground and cried.

Klaus's POV
    Claire had kissed me, and I heard something. I pushed her away from me, and said, " Claire, you are a family friend, and nothing more."

  Claire said, " Why would you pick her, over me?"

I said, " Claire, you need to get over this. I told you then, and I will tell you now, I don't love you. I thought you would've gotten over this story in your head, by now. Its been 400 years."

   Claire said, " So, what that blonde bitch has something, that I don't have? What does she have and I don't?"

   I sighed and said, " She is smart, Beautiful, Strong, Fearless and stubborn. She may be a baby vampire, but I could care less."

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