Blonde Distraction Plan

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Caroline's POV
     I rolled my eyes, and said, " Kathrine."

    Kathrine smirked, and said, " Hello, Care Bear. I thought we would've been friends."

  I said, " Doubt that. What are you doing here?"

  She said, " I came to bring you to the house."

  Stefan said, " Who's house?"

   She said, " The Mikaelsons house. Follow me."

  I said, " Why should we go with you?"

  She said, " They can answer your unanswered questions."

   We nodded. Stefan and I flashed out of the apartment, following Kathrine.

   We stopped running, and we were in front of a huge White House, with pillars. We went inside, and to the living room. There was all the Mikaelsons, except Klaus. Rebekah got up, and ran over to me. She hugged me.

    I said, " Hey, Beks."

  She said, " Care, I've missed you."

    Elijah said, " Stefan, Caroline. Wonderful to see you both again."

   Kol said, " Couldn't stay away, darling?"

   I said, " Kol, I could stay a million miles away from you."

  He smirked, and a voice behind me said, " Hello, love."

   I tuned around, and there was Klaus. I said, " Klaus."

Stefan looked between Klaus and I. I locked eyes with Klaus's deep ocean blue eyes, and almost got lost in them. Rebekah said, " Caroline. Come sit."

   I went and sat down next to Rebekah. I didn't miss Klaus's face, when he seen I was wearing his bracelet, he had given me. He was sort of shocked to see me wearing it, but masked it with his usual smirk.

   I said, " So, why are you actually here, and why was Rebekah following us around?"

  Rebekah said, " Stefan never knows how to keep a secret."

  Stefan said, " I can keep a secret, just not around you and Caroline. You both know when I am hiding something. It's like a blonde thing."

  I said, " It's not a blonde thing. We just know you best."

  Rebekah said, " Well, I have been following you both around because we didn't want you running into Marcel, or get into major trouble. Seeing as you both met Marcel, tonight."

  I said, " Oh, the self less ass, Marcel. So he is why you are here?"

  Elijah tried to hold in a laugh but failed. Kol smirked and said, " I like her, Nik. She has spunk, and says what's on her mind."

  Elijah said, " She is perfect for our plan."

   I said, " What?"

  Kathrine said, " Well, we need your help, Barbie. Marcel is the reason why they are here. He claims to be king of New Orleans, even tho The Mikaelsons built this city, multiple times, and are the true rulers of the city."

  I said, " So, you guys are royalty?"

  Klaus said, " Essentially, yes, sweetheart. We are royalty to Supernaturals, and New Orleans is our kingdom. I want to take back my throne, from Marcel."

   Rebekah said, " Marcel was a scrapper, dealing with the whips of his owners. He was a slave, and a fighter. Niklaus seen something in Marcel, and gave him a name. Nik had taught Marcel, to be in his image. Marcel soon called upon our father, and tried to kill us. We had ran, and Mikael followed, that was a hundred years ago. Niklaus had soon killed our father in the eighties, and Mikael had killed Finn. We all believed Marcel was dead, until Kathrine got word about Marcel wanting to kill the Originals. She told us, and we came here. What Marcel doesn't know is you kill an original, their whole sireline dies with them."

   I said, " So, if Klaus dies, so does Kathrine, Stefan, Damon, Tyler, and me. If Rebekah dies, so does Elena."

  Elijah said, " Precisely. We would like your help."

  I said, " For what?"

   Kathrine said, " What you did to Elijah, Kol, and Klaus, in Mystic Falls. We need you to be a blonde distraction."

   I said, " Alright. If it means it saves you guys, and my friends, I will do it."

   Klaus said, " I am going to need Stefan's help."

  Stefan said, " My help? What for?"

  Klaus said, " I need your help for making a battle plan. If Marcel wants a war, he will get one."

  Rebekah said, " Alright. One more piece of business, then you can be on your merry way."

Stefan said, " Whats that?"

  She said, " Well, we can't have Marcel seeing Stefan coming here, every now and then. He will automatically think Caroline is with us. So, Stefan is going to have to live here. Caroline will live in her apartment, alone for the time being."

  Stefan said, " I don't know about leaving Care, alone."

  I said, " Stef, I will be fine."

  He sighed and said, " Fine."

   I smiled, and said, " Is that all?"

  They nodded. I said, " Well, it was nice seeing yous again. Bye, Beks."

  I hugged Bekah goodbye, and Stefan and I flashed out of there. We went to the apartment, and went to our rooms. I got a shower, and put on my pjs. I then went to sleep.

Klaus's POV
  Caroline and Stefan had left. I smiled, she still wore the bracelet. Kol said, " Are we sure Rebekah and Nik won't get ok distracted?"

   I said, " I never get distracted. Can't say the same about Rebekah?"

  Rebekah said, " I can stay focused. Stefan and I aren't together in the first place."

  Elijah said, " We need each and everyone of us focused. We can't get off this plan because of Rebekah and her feelings for Stefan, and Niklaus's blonde obsession."

  I said, " She is not an obsession!"

  Kol said, " Really? What is with the paintings of her in your studio?"

   I said, " You were the one in my studio! I was wondering which one of yous went into it! She is a beautiful, strong, and fearless woman. She is full of light, and completely different than anyone else."

  They nodded. Katerina said, " She may not be an obsession, but I doubt she feels the same about you."

   Rebekah said, " She feels something for Nik. She still wears the bracelet."

  I said, " How do you know about the bracelet?"

  She said, " I seen you eye the diamond bracelet on her wrist, earlier Nik. I also seen that same Bracelet in the boxes of three centuries old things. I'm not stupid, Nik."

  I nodded, and went upstairs to my studio. I started to paint. I painted her, ever since I seen her, I can't get her out of my mind.

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