Originals Story

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Caroline's POV
It has been 4 days, since my date with Tyler. Everything is good. This weekend is the 60s dance. Anyway, I woke up and put on my jeans and my blue crop top, and my black heels. I grabbed a blood bag out of the mini fridge and drank it.

I went downstairs and my mom already left for work. I grabbed my purse and went out the door. I got in my car and drove to school. I arrived at School, and got out of my car. I seen Rebekah walking towards the school. I went over to her, and said, " Hey, Rebekah. You weren't at practice, on Monday. Are you alright?"

  She said, " I'm fine. I just had other stuff to do. Now, if you excuse me, I have to get to class."

    She went passed me, and into the school. She seemed upset, I will have to talk with her later. I went inside, and to my classes.

    After school was over, there was cheerleading practice. Everyone was here, including Rebekah. We started warming up, and working out the kinks in the routine.

  After an hour of practice, it was over. I grabbed my bag, and Caught up to Rebekah, who was walking towards her car.

  I said, " Rebekah, what's wrong?"

   She stopped walking, and turned around. She said, " Whats wrong, is that you can stop pretending to be nice to me. Those Salvatore Brothers already told you and your friends of the tales of the Originals. We never should've came to this insipid little town."

   I said, " Why did you come here?"

  She said, " I wanted to come here, and my brothers came with me. I wanted a chance at a normal life, without anyone knowing what my family did in the last thousand years. No one would understand, why we did those things. So, you can stop being nice, and pretending to want to be my friend. I'm not stupid. I know when a game is being played, and this game isn't funny."

   I said, " Rebekah, I'm not pretending. I want to get to know you. Damon and Stefan did tell us stories about your family. You just said, that there was a reason behind it, tell me. Tell me, and I would probably understand."

    She sighed, and said, " Meet me at my house. I will text you the address."

   I nodded, and she got in her car, and my phone buzzed it was Rebekah. Rebekah then drove away.

R- 576 McDreamy Drive.

I put away my phone, and got in my car. I drove to the address, which was a thirty minute drive, from town. I drove up the long driveway, and there was a huge mansion. I got out of my car, and seen Rebekah on the porch, standing. I walked over to her, and said, " Nice house. How did you even get this?"

  She shrugged and said, " My brother compelled the previous owners, to leave. We then took it."

     I said, " Seriously? You took someone's house!"

  Rebekah said, " Don't worry, they have a nice, small house towards the town. We wanted one that was farther away from town."

   I nodded, still not over that they compelled people to hand over their house. Rebekah led me into the house. In the foyer, was a huge piano and two staircases leading upstairs. Someone was walking through stopped. It was the guy, that Rebekah came to school with.

He said, " Rebekah, bring a so called friend. Did you compel this one?"

Rebekah said, " Kol shut it. I didn't compel her, and we aren't friends. Kol, this is Caroline. Caroline this is Kol, a blood imbecile. Just ignore him, that's what I do."

Kol glared at Rebekah, and walked to another room. I said, " This place is amazing."

Rebekah said, " Yes, but not bigger than our house in Paris."

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