Secrets and Lies

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Caroline's POV
       I woke up in the middle of the night to my phone ringing. Nik was still sleeping. I grabbed my phone, and answered it. It was Elena. Elena said, " Care, hello. You there."

   I whispered, " Hold on."

     I got out of bed, quietly. I put Nik's  shirt on that was discarded on the floor. I walked out of the room, and closed the door. I went into Nik's office, and said, " What is it, Elena?"

Elena said, " Where are you?"

  I said, " I'm in New Orleans with Stef."

    I had to lie because I know Elena won't like my relationship with Klaus, let alone getting married to him.

   Elena said, " No, your not."
   I said, " What do you mean?"

   She said, " I was in New Orleans, yesterday, and you weren't there. Stefan kept telling me that you were running errands. Did you know he is with Rebekah?"

    I said, " Yes, I knew. Kat and I practically made them admit their feelings for each other."

  She said, " Kat?"

   I said, " Kathrine, and I became friends, in the past two years. Rebekah and I have always been friends, since I gotten to know her back in Mystic Falls."

  Elena said, " Really? Your friends with the bitch that smothered you in your sleep, and made the rest of us miserable. Don't get me started on Rebekah."

    I said, " Kathrine may have smothered me. But I am better a vampire than a human. I know you hate Rebekah because she turned you into a Vampire. Get over it. It's been three years."

    She said, " Where are you exactly?"

   I sighed and said, " I'm in Paris with N- Klaus. We are happy, Elena."

   Elena said, " You are with the guy that tortured me for my blood, killed a dozen people, and turned Tyler into a hybrid, then killed Tyler."

    I said, " Tylers dead?"

  She said, " Yes. Guess who killed him. Klaus killed him. And here you are traveling and loving it up with the guy who is a goddamn psychopath."

    I said, " Elena, i don't care what you think of Klaus. I love him and he loves me. Tyler and I have gone our separate ways. He bit me Elena, and I almost died, if it wasn't for Klaus."

  At this point, I was mad. Mad at Elena for thinking that I would just leave Nik and his family.

   I said, " Nothing to say? Goodbye Elena."

  I hung up the phone, and threw it on the couch.

In anger, I picked the coffee table up, and threw it. He didn't tell me, he killed Tyler. He could've told me, yet he didn't. Why? Tears streamed down my cheeks.

   Someone put their hand on my shoulder, and I shrugged away from his touch. I said, " Just leave me alone, Nik."

   He said, " Love, I'm not going to leave you alone, when you are upset, ever. What's bugging you?"

    I said, " Why didn't you tell me that you killed Tyler? How come I had to find out from Elena of all people? You should've told me!"

    He stood in front of me, and lifted my chin. He wiped my tears with his thumbs and said, " Love, I'm sorry, I never told you. I never knew how to tell you. Then the whole thing with Marcel happened, and the city needed a leader."

     I said, " When did you kill him?"

   He sighed and said, " A year ago. You were at the house with Bekah, Katerina, and Elijah. Kol, Stefan and I went to the camp to teach some of the hybrids. Tyler showed up trying to beat me in a duel. He had broken free to his sire bond to me. Things had gotten out of hand. He kept taunting me about you, and I couldn't control my anger, so I ripped his head off. I told Kol, and Stefan to not speak a word, till I told you. I'm sorry, Caroline."

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