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Caroline's POV
    I woke up, and Nik was getting dressed. I said, " Morning."
   He turned around and walked over to me. He pecked my lips and said, " Morning, beautiful."

    I blushed. He smirked and grabbed a few bags. He said, " I will be right back up. I just have to put these in the car."

  I nodded and he walked out of the room. I got out of bed, and seen Nik had packed mostly, all of our stuff. He could've woke me and I could've helped him.

   I went into the closet. I put on my shorts, and one of Niks sweatshirts, with my black heels. I finished packing the few things that were left.

   Nik came into the room, and grabbed the bags from my hands. I said, " Nik, I can carry those."

   He said, " A man shouldn't let a lady carry her own bags."

   I rolled my eyes, and he said, " Is that my swearshirt?"

    I said, " Yep."

   He said, " Why are you wearing it?"

   I said, " Its comfy."

   He chuckled. We walked downstairs and out of the house. We got in the car, and he started driving to the tarmac.

  We got out of the car, and went to the jet. We got in, and Nik said, " I will be right back, love."

   I nodded, and he went to talk with the pilot. I sat down. A few minutes later, Nik sat down beside me. The jet took off, and leveled out in the air.

    I said, " Anything else happen with the hybrids in the past day?"

   He said, " One of the wolves did kill one of the hybrids. The hybrids are still pissed about it. Rebekah, and Kol are keeping them occupied till we get there. The wolves are calm right now. Elijah is still trying to find some peace between them."

    I said, " It seems neither of them are ever going to get along."

   He said, " Yeah. Enough about them. We still have a 13 hour flight. We don't have to worry about them, right now."

    I said, " Nik, we can't just not worry about them. The wolves and the Hybrids need to be reasoned with, or something."

   He said, " Caroline, we still have 13 hours of our little bubble left. We can still make the most of it."

     I said, " Fine. Once we get back to New Orleans, we are going to figure out what is going on between them. I love your siblings, but knowing them they aren't trying to find the reasoning behind it."

     He said, " We will, once we get back to New Orleans. We don't have to worry, right now."

    I sighed. I got up, and poured myself and Nik a drink. I gave him his bourbon, and I sat down on the couch. I flipped through magazines, and drank.

    13 hours later, we landed. I couldn't sleep, cause of the situation in New Orleans. Nik was trying to get my mind off of it, but it didn't work. He ended up falling asleep halfway through the flight.

   I got up, and walked over to the couch. I said, "Nik. Wake up."

   I tapped his shoulder, and he opened his eyes. He said, " Whats wrong?"

   I said, " Nothing. We landed."

   He rubbed his eyes, and ran a hand through his hair. He got off the couch, and we got off the jet. We got in the car, and drove to the house.

On the way, he said, " The Hybrids are at the camp, and the wolves are in the bayou, right now. Kol, and Elijah are keeping them separated. The girls are at the house with Stefan."

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