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Caroline's POV
      It has been 3 months, since I found out Tyler is dead. Everything is great. Nik and I are happy. We went to Rome, Bulgaria, England, Australia, Spain, Ireland, Tokyo, and now we are in Greece. We are heading back to New Orleans tomorrow.

     Anyway, I woke up, and Nik was still sleeping. I got out of bed, and put Niks Henley shirt on, that was on the floor to cover myself.

   I walked to the balcony of the beach house, I opened the sliding door and walked onto the balcony. It was very windy, but just a little windy. The house was the only thing on this part of the beach. There was a light house pretty far from the house. There was no one on the beach, since this house in the only thing here for miles.

    Nik told me that he had gotten the house for him to relax, when his siblings were annoying him. They soon found out about the house and they lived here, for a couple years.

    It was a stunning view. I looked at my engagement ring, and it sparkled in the sun light. I looked back at the ocean, and sighed.

   After a few minutes, I felt two arms wrap around my waist. He placed a kiss on my neck, and said, " What are you thinking about, my love?"

    I leaned my head on his shoulder, and said, " I wish we could stay here forever. It's so peaceful."

    He said, " I know, love. We have responsibilities back in New Orleans, to get back to. The wolves and the hybrids are back to fighting again."

    I said, " You didn't tell me that."

   He said, " I only found out about to when we arrived here. Elijah told me that he could handle them, but apparently not."

    I said, " Shouldn't we go back, today, instead of tomorrow?"

   He said, " Elijah, Kol, Stefan, Katerina, Davina, and Rebekah are going to try and keep them separated for today, so we could have one last day to ourselves. I wasn't even supposed to tell you they were fighting. I guess you just bring everything out of me."

    I said, " I guess. Either way, I would've gotten it out of you."

    He chuckled, and said, " Yes, you would've."

    I said, " Since, we only have one more day in paradise, then we should have some fun."

  He said, " Sounds good to me."

    I turned around in his arms, and pecked his lips. I went into our room, and went into the closet. I put on my blue two piece swimsuit, and a beach towel. I went out of the closet, and seen Nik on the phone.

     He said, " I will be right down, love."

    I nodded, and went downstairs. I went to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag, and drank it. I grabbed another one, and tossed it at Nik, who was in the kitchen doorway. He was wearing his black swim trunks, and no shirt.

   He said, " I never could sneak up on you."

   I said, " Elijah taught me to always keep my guard up."
   He chuckled, and drank his blood bag. He came over to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned in, and grazed his lips. I whispered in his ear, " Last one in the water is a rotten blood bag."

      I smirked and flashed out of the house, and to the beach. I dropped the towel on the sand, and ran into the water. The water went up to my waist, and I turned around. I didn't see Nik on the beach, at all.

   All of a sudden, I am being pulled underwater. I came up from the water, and Nik was standing there with a smirk. He said, " You're playing a dangerous game, and trust me I will win."

    I splashed him, and said, " Really? I'm playing a dangerous game."

     He pulled me to him, and whispered in my ear, " Tu es."

    He was speaking french, again. He keeps speaking it, just to see what I would do. I said, " Stop speaking french."

  He said, " Nan."

I said, " Stop."

  He said, " Pourquoi?"

    I rolled my eyes, and said, " You are an ass."

  He said, " Really? An ass?"

   I said, " Yes. You know I can't understand every French thing you say."

  He smirked and said, " Oh, well."

   I laughed, and sped out of the water. I laid out my beach towel, and laid down on my stomach.

   After ten minutes, I was being picked up, over Nik's shoulder. I said, " Nik! Put me down."

   He said, " Alright."

    I was then being tossed into the water. I came up from the water and crossed my arms over my chest. He was standing on the sand, and laughing. I walked out of the water, and said, " Why the hell did you do that?"

  He said, " You looked peaceful."

    I said, " So, what? That's an excuse to throw me into the water."

   He said, " Pretty much."

  I said, " idiote."

   He said, " I'm not an idiot."

   I laughed and said, " That's exactly what an idiot would say."

   He laughed, and I laid down on the towel, on my stomach. I soon felt his hands on my back, and then on my shoulders. I said, " What are you doing?"

   He said, " I'm giving you a massage."

    He massaged my shoulders, and then my back. It was really relaxing.

  After twenty minutes, he kissed my shoulder. He said, " Better?"

  I said, " Much."

    I sat up, and faced Nik. I said, " I love you."

  He said, " Je t'aime mon coeur."

   I kissed his lips. After a few minutes of making out, we soon went back to the water, and swam.

   The sun was setting. We sat down on the sand. I was sitting between his legs, and leaned against his chest. We were watching the sun going down. I said, " This is nice."

   He said, " It is."

   He kissed my shoulder, and onto my neck. I turned around, and kissed his lips. He kissed down my jaw, and onto my neck. I felt his double fangs rub against my neck.

    I said, " Go ahead."

   He said, " Are you sure?"

    I said, " Yeah."

   He didn't need to be told again. He bit into my neck, and I bit into his neck. His blood was amazing. I only tasted his blood once before, and that was when he healed me.

    We soon stopped blood sharing, and kissed. He picked me up, and flashed us into the house. Things had gotten heated.

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