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Caroline's POV
    It has been 7 months, and everything is great. Kat, and Elijah got married two months ago. Stefan and Bekah are happy. Kol and Davina are together. Klaus and I are happy. He is King of New Orleans. He had asked me to be his queen, and I said yes. So, I am going to be queen of New Orleans. We moved to the compound in the quarter. Klaus and I have the west wing. Bekah, and Stefan have the east wing. Kol, and Davina have the north wing. Kat and Elijah have the south wing.

  Anyway, I woke up, and three girls were in our room. Klaus wasn't in bed. Bekah said, " Get up. We have to get you ready."

    I said, " For what?"

Kat said, " Your Coronation. Bekah's idea."

   I said, " Alright."

  Davina said, " Bekah has been having us run around all week, for it. Everything is set up. You will be sworn in as queen, and then there is going to be an after party."

  I nodded, and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom, and got a shower. After my shower, I put on my robe and walked into the room. Kat pushed me to sit down at the vanity. Davina did my makeup, and Kat did my hair. Bekah came into the room with a garment bag.

  When they were finished with my makeup and hair, I went over to Bekah. She had laid the bag on the bed, and said, " This is your dress. We will leave you to get dressed. Girls we have to get ready."

  They left, and I opened the garment bag. It was a stunning gown. It was a royal blue, off the shoulder gown. I changed into the dress, and tried to zipper it, but couldn't. Klaus came into our room, wearing a suit. He said, " Need help?"

I said, " Yes."

  He came over and zippered my dress. I turned around, and he said, " You look stunning, my love."

   I smiled, and said, " You look handsome."

   He kissed my lips. I pulled apart, and the girls came into the room. Bekah said, " Nik, get out!"

  Klaus said, " It's mine and Caroline's room, not yours Bekah."

  I said, " Klaus, just go. I will see you later."

  He said, " See you in a bit, love."

   He kissed my cheek, and left our room. I said, " Bekah, you don't have to be rude."

She said, " Sorry. He was supposed to wait downstairs, with my brothers and Stefan."

  I rolled my eyes, and put on my blue heels. Kat gave me my clutch, and we walked out of my room. We walked down the hallway, and down the stairs. All the boys were waiting in the courtyard. Klaus held his hand out for me, and I took it.

  Stefan said, " Can we get this show on the road?"

  Elijah said, " Yes. Let's go."

  We walked out of the house, and got in the cars. Bekah, and Stefan took Bekah's car. Kol and Davina took Kol's car. Elijah and Kat took Elijah's car. Klaus and I took Klaus's car. We drove to 'St. Anne's Church'.

    We got out of the car, and walked into the church. Klaus said, " Ten minutes, love. That's all it takes."

  I nodded, and he kissed my lips. He went to sit down, with his siblings, Kat, Stefan, and where the other supernaturals sat. I walked down the aisle, and to the front. The priest said, " Do you law fully swear to be loyal to the Factions? Do you swear to lead them?"

  I said, " I swear."

  I kneeled, and the priest said, " I declare you Queen of New Orleans."

   The priest put the diamond tiara on my head. I stood and faced everyone. Klaus came over to me, and I took his arm. We walked down the aisle, and to his car. We got in, and drove to the compound, where the after party is being held.

He parked the car, and got out. He came around and opened my door.

  He held his hand out, and said, " My queen."

  I blushed and grabbed his hand. I said, " My king."

   I put hooked my arm, through his elbow. He closed the door to his car, with his other hand. We walked inside the courtyard. I stopped walking, and he said, " Whats wrong?"

   I kissed his lips. He said, " Whats that for?"

  I said, " I love you."

  He smiled and said, " I love you, sweetheart."

  He kissed my lips, and it got heated. He pulled me closer to him, and walked us towards a wall. My back hit the wall, and we continued kissing. I turned us around, and he growled when his back hit the wall.

  Someone said, " Really? Can't keep your hands to yourselves! Knock it off!!"

   Klaus and I pulled apart, and looked at the intruder. It was Kat. I said, " Sorry, Kat."

  She said, " Sorry my ass! There is a bunch of supernaturals waiting for their leaders! Get your asses to the ballroom, or I will separate the both of you."

   I said, " Yes, Katerina."

   She left to the ballroom. I grabbed Klaus's hand, and we walked to the ballroom. We opened the doors, and walked in. Everyone was staring at us. We made it to the center of the ballroom, and Elijah said, " Factions, your king and Queen."

    Everyone cheered, and went back to partying. Davina came over and said, " Care, or should I say Queen."

  We laughed. Klaus went over to his brothers and Stefan. Bekah, and Kat came over to Davina and I.

   Bekah hugged me, and said, " You and Nik need to wait till people are out of the house, to have your hands all over each other."

   I said, " What?"

   She grabbed us champagne, and gave them to us. I took a sip, and Bekah said, " Everyone heard the loud growl. You guys weren't really subtle about it. Slamming into walls."

  I spit out my drink, and said, " Sorry."

   Kat said, " It's fine."

  I nodded, and we drank and talked. We eventually sat down at a table, and continued talking. Soon, Kat had pulled us all to the dance floor. We danced, and had fun.

  Suddenly, two arms snaked their way around my waist. He kissed my neck, and said, " Want to get out of here, love?"

  I turned around in his arms, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I said, " We can't. Your sister is going to be pissed that we sneaked out of the party she planned for us."

   He pouted and said, " Alright, my love."

    I smiled, and we danced. It was a fun night.

   Three hours later, everyone left. We all sat in the courtyard on the couches. Klaus pulled me to sit on his lap. Elijah had Kat in his lap, Stefan had Rebekah in his lap. Davina and Kol were sitting beside each other.

    Kol had gotten us a bottle of bourbon each, and played Never have I ever.

   Kol said, " Never have I ever went to a fraternity."

   Kol, and Elijah drank. Kat said, " When did you go to a fraternity?"

  Elijah said, " It was a phase for Kol. He dragged me to a fraternity party, and it was a pretty fun night."

  Kol said, " I got Elijah to drink two kegs, and he was having a bunch of fun, after he drank. He needs to learn to let loose."

   Elijah said, " Never have I ever went to Tokyo."

    Klaus, Rebekah, Kol, and Elijah drank. Of course they went to Tokyo, they probably been everywhere.

  The game continued like that for a couple more hours. We all drank our bottles, and eventually went up to our rooms. Klaus and I made it to the hallway of our wing, and we were all over each other.

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