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Caroline's POV
     I woke up, and Nik was still sleeping. I got out of bed, and went into the closet. I put on my black pants, my red crop top, my black leather jacket, with my black boots. I quietly left the room, and went downstairs. I went to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge.

   Bekah came into the kitchen, and said, " Wow. Kat is really rubbing off on you."

    I laughed and said, " I guess. Wheres Stef?"

  She said, " Sleeping. What about Nik?"

   I said, " He's sleeping."

   Nik suddenly appeared in the doorway of the kitchen, he said, " No he's not."

    Bekah said, " Now, you aren't."

   I said, " You were sleeping not even ten minutes ago, when I woke up."

    He walked to the fridge, and got a blood bag, and drank it. He said, " I noticed you slip out of bed, and get dressed. I am not that deep of a sleeper."

   I said, " Okay. I have to head to the bayou to talk with that wolf."

   Nik said, " I'm coming with you."

   I said, " Why?"

  He said, " I want to see what this wolf has to say."

I sighed and said, " Fine. Beat you there."

     He smirked, and I flashed out of the house, and to the bayou.

I walked towards the wolves camp, when I felt someone walking behind me. I turned around and It was Nik.

   He said, " Its just me, love."

    He came to my side, and we walked into the camp. Linus came over to us and said, " Klaus. Caroline. I thought it was just to be her."

    I said, " He tagged along. Where is Oliver?"

    He said, " I will go get him. Take it easy on him."

   I said, " I will keep it in mind."

   Linus walked into the one house. I said, " Why did you actually come with me?"

    He said, " I always see the way Linus looks at you. It just makes my blood boil."

   I put my hand on his arm, and said, " No need to be jealous. I love you and only you."

    I kissed his cheek, and Linus walked over with Oliver.

   Oliver said, " So, you brought a half breed with you? That's great."
    Nik said, " I am Klaus. You and this thing with the hybrids is getting in the way of planning our wedding. So I suggest you listen to your queen or else."

   I said, " Nik, i can handle it."

    I said, " Oliver, follow me."

   Linus said, " Oliver, listen to her."

   Oliver said, " She isn't my alpha. I don't have to listen to her."

   I said, " You're right, I may not be your alpha. I suggest if you and the wolves still want peace in the city, you better listen to me. Let's go."

    Oliver followed Nik and I. We walked through the bayou, and to the camp.

   Oliver said, " You really want to start a war."

   I rolled my eyes and said, " You both need to get along. Jackson."

    I yelled over to Jackson, and he came over. He kneeled in front of me and Klaus. They always do that because we are their alphas.

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