New Orleans

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Caroline's POV
     It has been 8 months, since the Mikaelsons left. I haven't heard from Rebekah, since that day. I wear Klaus's bracelet everyday. Elena controlled her bloodlust about six months ago. It took her two months, to finally master it. We graduated five months ago. It has been 11 months, since my mom died. I visit her grave every month.

  Elena, and Damon are together. Bonnie is with a British guy, Enzo, in Venice. Stefan and I hang out together, everyday. We finally both decided to get out of town. He kept talking about how New Orleans was his favorite place, so we are both moving there. I know it may be weird, best friends moving together to a new city. We are best friends, and nothing more. We found an apartment, in the French Quarter and are driving down there today.

  Anyway, I woke up, and put on my yellow summer dress, my white cardigan, and my tan wedges. I grabbed the last blood bag in my mini fridge, and drank it. I grabbed the rest of my suitcases and went downstairs to my car. I put them in the back, and Stefan's red Porsche, that he had bought a century ago, showed up. He got out of his car, and said, " You ready?"

    I locked my house, and said, " Yes."

  He smiled, and said, " Want to see who beats each other there, first?"

  I laughed and walked to my car. I said, " Just because we are taking separate cars, doesn't mean we have to race."

   He said, " Fine. You just think I will beat you there."

  I said, " Yeah, right."

    I got in my car, and he got in his. He drove down the street, and I followed.

  14 hours later, I arrived in New Orleans. I have no idea which way Stefan went. I drove into the French Quarter, and it was amazing. People were playing jazz music on the street, and people were dancing. It was amazing. I parked along the street, outside of my apartment. I got out of my car, and Stefan parked behind me.

  He got out, and said, " How did you beat me here?"

   I said, " I beat you here by a couple seconds. Let's get unpacked."

  He laughed, and we unloaded our cars. We unpacked all of our things in our rooms. There was two rooms. One was slightly bigger than the other, and had a balcony, and the other doesn't have a balcony. I got the slightly bigger one, with the balcony. There was a wall sized window, in the living room. The apartment was amazing and beautiful.

  After I unpacked, I went to the living room, and looked out the window. It looked over the quarter. Five minutes later, Stefan came over.

  He said, " You alright, care?"

   I said, " I'm fine. I can't believe we are here!"

  He said, " After two days of deciding where to go. I can't believe it either."

  I said, " You are going to have to show me around."

  He laughed and said, " Tomorrow. We should get some rest."

  I said, " Alright. Goodnight, Stef."

   He said, " Goodnight, Care Bear."

  I laughed, and I went to my room. I got a shower, and put on my pjs. I then soon went to sleep.

  Rebekah's POV
      I seen a car that looked exactly like Stefan's car, drive towards an apartment building. I took a closer look, and seen Caroline by her car. Stefan got out of his car, and they talked, and he laughed. How I miss his laugh! What are they doing here? In the middle of a terf war, nonetheless.

   I flashed out of the quarter, and to the plantation house. I walked inside, Kathrine was on the couch, in the living room. We are sort of becoming friends, she still annoys me.

  She said, " Out late, Bekah? What attractive guy was it this time?"

   I rolled my eyes, and said, " Shut up, Kathrine."

   She still smirked. I said, " Where's my brothers?"

  She said, " In the parlor."

   I nodded, and walked into the parlor. They all looked at me. Nik said, " What is it Bekah?"

   I said, " Stefan, and Caroline."

   Elijah said, " What do you mean? They are in Mystic Falls."

     I said, " No, they aren't. They are here in the quarter."

   Nik said, " Why the bloody hell are they here?"

   I said, " It seems they moved here. I seen them start to unpack their cars, and bring them up to the apartment building, up the street from, 'Rousseau's'."

  Kol said, " Well, isn't this going to be interesting. Your boy toy is here. Nik's obsession is here. In a city, where Nik is fighting for his throne."

  Nik said, " Kol, it isn't just a throne. We built this city, multiple times. This is our city."

   Elijah said, " That it is, Niklaus. We just have to make sure Caroline and Stefan doesn't know we are here, not yet. We can't have them getting in the middle of this war, that is brewing."

   I nodded, and went to my room. I got a shower, and put on my pjs, then went to sleep.

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