Hiding Something

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Caroline's POV
It has been a week, and it feels like Stefan is hiding something from me. I intend to find out what it is. Anyway, I woke up, and put on my shorts, my blue crop top, with my black heels. I went to the kitchen, and made coffee. As the coffee was making, I grabbed a blood bag and drank it.

Once the coffee was done making, I poured some into my cup. I sat down at the island, and took a sip of it. Stefan came out from his room, he grabbed a blood bag, and drank it. He then got himself some coffee, and sat down beside me.

I said, " If you were hiding something would you tell me?"

He said, " Why are you asking?"

I sighed and said, " What are you hiding from me?"

He said, " What are you talking about?"

I said, "Stefan, I've known you for four years, now. I know when you are hiding something. What is it?"

He sighed, and said, " Fine. I ran into Rebekah the other day."

I said, " Rebekah Mikaelson? That Rebekah?"

He said, " Yes. It turns out that her siblings are here with her."

I said, " Why are they here?"

He said, " They built this city. So it's their city."

I said, " So, What they own this city?"

He said, " Pretty much. To be honest with you, I wasn't supposed to tell you they were here."

I said, " Why? How did you even see them? I was with you all the time, I didn't see them."

He said, " I don't know, why they didn't want me to tell you. I seen Rebekahs Blonde hair, 10 days ago. A week ago, when you wanted to go shopping. I walked to her, while you wanted to walk around more. She was sitting on a bench, and I confronted her. She was following us, around."

I said, " Why was she following us?"

He sighed and said, " I think it might has to do with the fact that they are here for a reason, other than this is their city."

I said, " Do you know where they are staying?"

He said, " No."

I said, " How are we going to get some answers out of them?"

He said, " I don't know."

I started playing with the bracelet on my wrist, Klaus's bracelet he gave me. I said, " Was it only Rebekah that you seen?"

He said, " Yeah. She told me that her siblings are here, too."

He looked at my wrist and seen i was playing with the diamond bracelet. He said, " Are you alright?"

I said, " I'm fine."

He said, " Who gave you the bracelet?"

I said, " I found it in my moms things."

He said, " No, you didn't. Your mom would never wear diamonds. Who gave it to you?"

I sighed and said, " Klaus gave it to me."

He said, " When?"

I said, " The day, they left. He left it on the doorstep with a note. I didn't actually talk to any of them, when they left."

He said, " What was on the note?"

I said, " Hold on."

He nodded and I went to my room. I grabbed the note out of the bedside table drawer. I walked to the kitchen, and handed it to him. He opened it, and read it.

He gave the note back to me, and said, " Wow. Why didn't you tell me the truth?"

I said, " You guys already hated them, because of what they did. They killed Elena's aunt, turned Tyler into a hybrid, turned Elena into a vampire, they killed a founders son, and killed a dozen people in a bar, outside of town. I didn't think you guys would like that I am still friends with Rebekah, and like them."

He said, " I don't hate them. I did at first, but that was before I had my memories. I have them back, and I know why they do most of the things they do. They do it for family."

I said, " Don't tell Elena, Damon or Bonnie about any of this. They would hate me forever, if they found out."

He smiled, and said, " I won't tell them. I promise."

I smiled and said, " Thank you."

He nodded, and we drank our coffee and talked. We decided to stay in today, so we watched movies and ate popcorn.

Five hours later, we finished watching our fifth movie. I said, " Let's go out, tonight."

He said, " Alright. Come on, let's go to the bar down the street."

I nodded, and we got off the couch. We walked out of our apartment, and walked down the street. We went into the bar called, 'Rousseau's'. We sat down at the bar, and ordered bourbon.

After ten minutes, someone said, " Hello, Beautiful."

I looked to my left, and a handsome guy was sitting beside me. I said, " Not interested."

He smirked and said, " How about a name?"

I said, " Caroline."

He said, " I'm Marcel."

I said, " Well, Marcel like I said, I'm not interested. So go back to wherever you were."

He said, " I thought you would like some company?"

I said, " I have company. He is my best friend, so leave us alone."

He looked at Stefan, and Stefan smiled at Marcel. Marcel said, " Till we meet again."

Marcel walked away. Stefan said, " You didn't have to be mean."

I said, " I just don't like guys, who only want a woman based on her looks. He may be good looking, but he seems like an ass."

Stefan laughed and I said, " What?"

He said, " You changed, Care."

I said, " Well, being dead makes a huge difference, than when you were human."

He nodded. We drank a whole bottle of bourbon, each. We walked out of the bar, and down the street to our apartment. We went up to our apartment, and went inside. Something felt different. Someone was in our apartment.

Stefan stepped in front of me, as we seen a figure sitting on the couch. I turned on the light, and there sat Elena.

I stepped in front of Stefan and said, " Elena, what are you doing here?"

She stood up, and said, " Try again, Blondie."

I rolled my eyes, and said, " Kathrine."

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