A Very Bloody Christmas

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Caroline's POV
It has been a week, and today is Christmas. I put on my strapless green dress, with my green heels. I walked downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge. Suddenly, someone put their hands around my eyes. The person said, " Guess who?"

I said, " Wonder who it could be. Is it Elijah? We have been having this fling lately."

He moved his hands from my eyes, and said, " Your joking?"

I turned around, and faced Klaus. I smirked and said, " Am I? You never know."

I drank the blood bag. Klaus said, " I know you. You would never do that. Elijah knows if he does that kind of thing, I would kill Katerina."

I said, " It was a joke. I love you, Klaus."

He said, " I love you, sweetheart."

He pecked my lips, and I said, " Merry Christmas."

He said, " Merry Christmas, my love."

I connected our lips, once more. He pulled me to him, and someone said, " Eww!! Go be gross out of the kitchen."

We pulled apart, and seen Claire. I said, " What are you doing here?"

She said, " I came to visit. It's Christmas after all."

I said, " It may be Christmas, but it doesn't mean I can't kill you."

I was about to go at her, but Klaus grabbed my arm. He said, " Love, don't."

I said, " Why not? She is the one that kissed MY boyfriend. She deserves to die!"

Bekah came into the kitchen, and said, " Nik, let Caroline go. I sort of want to know what will happen."

Claire said, " Whatever. Bye. I'm going to see my parents."

She flashed out of the house. Klaus let go of my arm, and I said, " Why can't I kill her?"

He said, " Love, you can't. If you kill her, her parents will retaliate, and we are already in the middle of a war starting."

I sighed and said, " Fine. I won't kill her, right now."

I walked out of the kitchen, and to the living room. I grabbed the book off the coffee table, and started reading it.

After it was dark, we all went outside to the backyard. There was a patio, with a fire pit, and chairs. Klaus pulled me to sit on his lap. Kol got everyone drinks. I said, " This is nice. All of us together for Christmas."

Someone said, " What a nice Christmas indeed."

Everyone looked by the pool. There stood Marcel, a teenage girl, and about sixty vampires.

Everyone stood up, and Klaus said, " What are you doing here, Marcellus?"

Marcel said, " I came to kill each and every one of you."

The girl raised her hand, and Kat, Stefan, and I started having an aneurism. She isn't doing it to the Mikaelsons. I fell to the ground clutching my head. Everything soon went black.

Klaus's POV
Caroline, Katerina, and Stefan fell to the ground clutching their heads, and fell unconscious. The witch stopped her spell. I said, " You want a war, you got one!"

The vampires were running at us, and we ran at them. I killed most of the vampires in my way of getting to Marcel. Suddenly, the witch raised her hand, and gave my siblings and I aneurisms.

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