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Caroline's POV
It has been a month, since i talked with the Mikaelsons last. Everything is good. I have been getting close to Marcel. Marcel has some super witch, that he keeps locked away somewhere, and makes sure the other witches don't use magic. I talk to Stefan every night on the phone, it seems him and Rebekah have been getting close. Anyway, I woke up, and put on my shorts, my black crop top, my black leather jacket, and my black heels.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge and drank it. My phone buzzed. It was a text from Marcel.

M- Want to come over?

C- Sure. When?

M- How about right now?

C- Fine with me. Be right over.

I put away my phone, and went out of my apartment. I went downstairs and out of the building. I walked to The Abattoir, which is across the street from, 'Rousseau's'. I walked into the house, and Marcel was in the Compound.

I said, " Hey, Marcel."

He kissed my cheek, and said, " Hey, Caroline."

I said, " So, what did you need?"

He said, " How is it that you know Klaus Mikaelson, again?"

I said, " He killed my friends, and my mother. I wanted revenge on him."

He said, " Think again."

I said, " What do you mean? That is how i know him."

He said, " No, it's not. In fact, you are besties with his sister. He did kill a dozen people, in your home town. Your friends are in fact a live, and three of them are vampires. Your mother died in a car accident."

I said, " How do you know that?"

He said, " I dug up something's on you. Boys, take her to the dungeon."

My neck was snapped and everything went black.

Klaus's POV
Someone rang the doorbell, and I went to answer it. No one was on the porch, but there was a box sitting on the doorstep. I picked the box up, and brought it inside. I went to the living room, and sat down. I opened it, and it was a diamond bracelet, not any bracelet, it was Caroline's.

There was a note in the box. It read:

Here's a gift.

I growled, and Elijah came into the living room. He said, " Whats wrong, Niklaus?"

I said, " He has Caroline!"

Elijah said, " How? What makes you say that?"

I said, " This is her Bracelet, and he wrote this note."

Elijah took the note, and read it. He said, " How are we going to get her back?"

I said, " I don't know. If he hurts her, he will pay!"

Elijah nodded, and we went to the parlor, and started looking for places where Marcel would keep Caroline.

Caroline's POV
    I woke up in a dark room, chained to the wall. I said, " Someone! Help!"

     Someone came into the room, and it was Marcel. He said, " Hello, Caroline."

  I said, " Why would you do this?"

  He said, " You see, you are a traitor. Pretending to work with me to get revenge on The Mikaelsons, which was a lie. What else was a lie?"

  I didn't answer. He grabbed a water bottle, and sprayed it on me. It started to burn, damn vervain. He grabbed a knife, and cut my arms, my legs, my stomach, and my neck. He kept trying to get information on The Mikaelsons, which I wouldn't give him. The more I wouldn't speak, the more the pain was.

    After what felt like an eternity of torturing, He soon snapped my neck, to go deal with his vampires.

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