Distraction and a rescue

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Caroline's POV
   I woke up and put on my blue dress with my blue heels. I got a blood bag out of the mini fridge and drank it. It's the weekend, so I have nothing good to do.

  I went downstairs to the kitchen and made coffee. There was a note on the counter.

It read:
     Got called in to work. I will be home, late. Mom

    Of course, she had to work. She always has to work. I poured coffee into my mug and took a sip. My phone buzzed, it was a text from Rebekah.

R- Want to go shopping?

C- Yes.

R- Awesome. I will pick you up at your house in 40. I have to pick up Bonnie, first.

   C- Got it. What about Elena?

  R- She didn't want to go shopping.

C- OK.

   I decided to text Elena.

C- Why didn't you want to go shopping?

E- I don't feel too good. Rain check?

C- Alright. Feel better.

E- Bye Care.

I put away my phone and drank my coffee.

Rebekahs POV
    I put away my phone and Kathrine was on her phone. She said, " Blondie is wondering why Elena isnt not going shopping. I told her I don't feel good. She bought it."

   I said, " Caroline is nice and full of light. She shouldn't of had to be dragged into this."

   Kathrine said, " That's the way it has to be."

   I went to the ballroom, and seen Elena waking up. We stopped taking her blood, three hours ago. We aren't killing her, yet. We are going to start taking more of her blood in a few more hours.

   Elena said, " Rebekah. Why are you taking my blood?"

   I said, " For my brother. Why else? We do everything for family."

  Elena said, " Which brother?"

   I said, " You don't know how to shut up. It's for Niklaus. He wants to make hybrids. Sadly, our mother made it that a doppelgängers blood has to be used to finish their transition. We were looking for a Petrova doppelgänger for a thousand years."

  She said, " What about Kathrine? Why is she with you?"

   I said, " She is dating my brother, Elijah. Kathrine became a vampire before we were able to get her blood. She knew what would happen after we gathered enough blood from her."

Elena said, " What would happen?"

   I said, " She would die, same with you. I will have the honors to kill you."

  Elena said, " I thought we were friends."

I said, " I faked it with you and Bonnie. But Not with Caroline. She told me about what Damon did to her when she was human. You made her deal with Damon, after all that he did to her. You, Bonnie, and Stefan turned a blind eye on what he did to her. Trust me, I will kill Damon."  

  Elena said, " If you kill Damon, we will kill you."

  I laughed and said, " Have fun trying. You forget. My siblings and I are the strongest, and oldest Vampires. We can't die, we are truly immortal. We can kill you and everyone in this town in one second. Don't mess with us."

   I then took the syringe with the sedative and stuck it in her arm. She soon fell asleep. I walked out of the ballroom, and seen Nik. He said, " What did Damon do to Caroline?"

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