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Caroline's POV
I woke up, and a vampire was in the room, it was Diego. One of Marcel's inner circle vampires. I said, " Why are you helping him?"

He said, " He saved me from death. I owe Marcel my life."

I said, " So, you are helping him kill you all?"

He had a confused look on his face. I said, " You don't know. Once an Original dies, so does their sireline. You kill Klaus, you will die along with him, same with Marcel."

Diego said, " Shut up! You're lying! Marcel would never get all of us killed, including him."

I smirked and said, " Really? He knows if you go against the Originals, you and everyone will die. You don't cross them, you can't. You cross one, your cross all. Once you cross them, you have signed your death sentence."

Diego grabbed a knife, and jabbed me in my stomach. He grabbed the vervain water bottle, and poured it on me.

After what felt like forever, Diego's neck was snapped. There stood what looked like Kol. My vision was a little cloudy, because of all of the vervain. Everything went black.

Kol's POV
I snapped Diego's neck, and she was chained against the wall. She looked at me, and soon fell unconscious. I broke the chains holding her up, and picked her up bridal style. She had vervain all over her, and when i picked her up. The vervain was burning my skin, but I can deal with the pain. I dealt with far worse pain than a little bit of vervain.

I flashed out of that abandoned warehouse in the bayou, and to the house.

I was walking to the front door, when Caroline woke up. She looked at me and said, " Kol."

I said, " Hello, darling. Let's get you inside and cleaned up."

She said, " Put me down."

I put her down and she walked fine. We walked inside the house and everyone was in the foyer in a second.

Caroline's POV
We walked into the foyer, and everyone was in there, in a second. Rebekah, Elijah, Klaus, Stefan, and even Kathrine had shocked faces, on seeing me.

Rebekah said, " Caroline!"

She came over, and was about to hug me, but I said, " Don't hug me. I have vervain all over me, and would like to get a shower."

Rebekah said, " Alright. I will show you to a room, and you can borrow clothes from me."

I nodded. I followed Rebekah up the stairs and to the right. She said, " Niklaus has his own side of the house. The rest of us get this side. Stefan's is beside, Kol's. Elijah, and Kat's is at the very end of the hall. Mine is here, and this is yours."

She pointed to each door, as we walked by them. I went into the room, that she told me was mine. It was beautiful, and amazing. There was pink on the walls, a queen size bed, a fireplace, a flat screen tv, a couch, and a chair.

She said, " Bathroom is over there. I will bring your pajamas in."

I nodded, and went to the bathroom. I got a shower, and wrapped a robe around me. I went to the room, and there was pajamas on the bed. They were black shorts, and a blue tank top. I went to the bathroom, and put the pajamas on. I walked out of the bathroom, and out of the room. I went downstairs to the living room.

Stefan handed me a blood bag, and I drank it. After I drank the blood bag, I was being squeezed. It was Rebekah hugging me. She said, " I am glad, you are alright."

I said, " You have to thank Kol for that one. How did he manage to find me? By the shocked looks on your faces, when we walked in, you guys didn't know, he was rescuing me."

Elijah said, " Kol had been missing all day. It would be nice, if he would explain."

I sat down beside Stefan. Kol said, " Well, I may have been keeping an eye on Marcel. I happened to see him snap Caroline's neck, and bring her to an abandoned warehouse. I waited till Marcel left, and I snapped Diego's neck, when he was pouring vervain water on Caroline. Well, you can say I saved a damsel in distress."

I rolled my eyes, and said, " You always wanted to say that, didn't you?"

He smirked and said, " Yes, I did, darling. It's true."

Rebekah said, " Ever since, Disney princesses were made, Kol has been infatuated with trying to save a damsel. He loves Disney."

Kol said, " I am happy to admit, I do love Disney. They make great movies. Elijah watched some Disney movies with me. He liked them."

Elijah said, " Thats only because you blackmailed me."

Stefan said, " How did he blackmail you?"

Kol said, " I found out that Kathrine and Elijah were seeing each other in the 1920s, while we were in Chicago. They were in the Greece Beach house."

Klaus said, " What? You knew where Katerina was this whole time!!"

Elijah said, " I love Katerina. I would never sentence her to her death. If you found out Niklaus, you would've killed her."

Klaus huffed and went upstairs. Kathrine said, " How did Marcel even find out about Caroline?"

I said, " He had his research done on me. He found out that I was working with yous. My friends were still alive, and my mom died in a car accident."

She nodded. I said, " I'm going to bed."

They nodded, and I went upstairs to my room. I laid down on the bed, and went to sleep.

In the middle of the night, I woke up. I went downstairs, and heard someone in the parlor. I went in, and Klaus threw a glass in the fireplace. I said, " Klaus, is everything okay?"

He turned around, and seen me. He seemed tense. I walked over to him, and said, " Whats wrong?"

He said, " Nothings wrong, love. What are you doing up?"

I said, " Stop changing the subject. What's the matter?"

He sighed and said, " The fact that it's my fault you got tortured in the first place, and that Elijah knew where Katerina was this whole time!"

I said, " Elijah and Kathrine were in love, he didn't want you killing her. It's not your fault I was tortured. If it wasn't anyone's fault. No one would've known he would've researched me."

He said, " It's my fault. I shouldn't of let you be the distraction in the first place."

I said, " It was my decision, not yours. Why do you care so much about me in the first place? I am just a baby vampire, and you are this almighty Original Hybrid."

He said, " I fancy you, Caroline."

I didn't expect that. I said, " I I.. Goodnight, Klaus."

I hurried out of there, and to my room, upstairs. I didn't think he would say that. I didn't know what to say, so I ran, like a coward. I mean, I think I like him. I just don't know. Ughh! He is Bekah's brother, too. This makes it ten times harder. I ended up falling asleep.

Klaus's POV
She went upstairs. Of course, she doesn't feel the same. I was stupid enough to just blurt that out. She is so stubborn, beautiful, and strong. It's like she is pulling me to her. I couldn't go back to sleep. So I went to my studio and painted. I painted a landscape of a field with sunflowers.

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