Miss Mystic Falls

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Caroline's POV
     It was one month, since Elena was rescued from The Mikaelsons. Everything is fine. It turns out that Tyler is a Hybrid, now. While they had Elena, They turned Tyler into a hybrid, but Tyler is sired to Klaus. Elena, Bonnie, and Stefan don't hang out with Bekah anymore, I still hang out with her, she is my friend. Today is Miss Mystic Falls. Rebekah is also a contestant.

Anyway, I woke up, and put on my pink dress, with my pink heels. I grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge and drank it. I then went downstairs to the kitchen, and my mom was there, drinking coffee. I got myself a cup of coffee, and my mom said, " Are you heading over to the boarding house?"

   I said, " In half an hour. I have to make sure everything is perfect. Why?"

  She said, " I won't be able to make it to the competition, sweetie."

   I said, " Why?"

She said, " I picked up an extra shift."

  I said, " It's fine. I will tell you who is the new miss mystic."

She smiled, and headed to work. I drank my coffee.

   Half an hour later, I went out of the house, and to my car. I got in, and drove to the boarding house.

  I walked into the boarding house, and to the backyard. There was people starting to set things up. I grabbed my clipboard, and started ordering people around. Stefan, Damon, Matt, and Tyler soon came and helped. Everything had to be perfect.

  After three hours of ordering people around, everything was perfect. I went inside, and upstairs. I went to the room, Bekah was using for the contest. I knocked and heard her say, " Come in."

  I opened the door, and seen her in a green, lace, mermaid style, spaghetti strap dress, with a v neck. I said, " You look beautiful."

  She turned around, and faced me. She said, " I don't have anyone to escort me."

  I said, " Really? No one."

She said, " Yeah, no one would escort me."

  I said, " I will have to change that. You will have someone to escort you, I promise."

  She smiled, and said, "Thank you, Care. For all that you've done. Why are you so nice to me, after what happened with Tyler and Elena?"

  I said, " Tyler and I broke up, and I don't particularly like him being a hybrid, and sired to Klaus. But I care about him, and I am glad he doesn't have to turn every month. Elena is a different story. She doesn't deserve being taking prisoner, but she is a doppelgänger, they seem to be wanted a lot. You are my friend, Bekah, even before all this."

  She said, " I'm sorry, for about what happened."

  I said, " Bekah, I forgive you. Now, I have to get you an escort."

  She nodded, and I left that room. I walked down the hallway, and seen Elena standing there. She said, " Why are you talking with Rebekah?"

  I said, " She is my friend."

  Elena said, " After all that she has done. She kidnapped me, turned Tyler into a Hybrid, Rebekah killed my aunt, Care."

  I sort of forgot, Rebekah had gotten into a rage that night, after we rescued Elena, and killed her Aunt.

  I said, " Elena, she isn't so bad. She isn't evil. She is nice, and kind. All she wants is a friend, who cares about her. Yes, I am sorry about what happened to Jenna, but Elena that happened a month ago. I forgive her, she deserves a second chance."

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