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Caroline's POV
It has been two days, since we arrived in Pairs. Everything is perfect. Nik had showed me around the city. It's the most amazing, and stunning city. I love it here.

Anyway, I woke up, and Nik wasn't in bed. I got up, and put on my black dress, with my black heels. I walked downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge, and drank it. Nik came into the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag, and drank it.

I said, " You weren't in bed, when I woke up."

He said, " I'm sorry, love. I had an errand to run."

He pecked my lips, and I said, " It's fine. So, what do you want to do?"

He said, " I have been showing you around the city. How about you choose what we do?"

I said, " Alright."

He said, " I'm going to regret this, aren't I?"

I smirked and walked out of the kitchen. My phone rang, it was Rebekah face timing me. I answered and seen her arguing with someone. The voice was Kat. I said, " Bekah. Kitty Kat, are you done arguing?"

Kat grabbed the phone out of Bekah's hand, and said, " Hey, Care Bear. We miss you. How come you didn't tell us where you are, when you got there?"

I sat down on the couch in the living room. I said, " I'm might've forgot."

Kat said, " You may have forgot. I am guessing the blaming for that goes to Klaus."

I said, " He isn't to blame for anything."

Kat smirked and said, " If you and him weren't busy doing something else, when you got there, then you would've texted or called us."

Bekah grabbed the phone, and showed up on the screen. She said, " You are in Paris."

I said, " How do you know? I didn't tell any of yous where we were."

Bekah said, " The painting behind you."

I looked behind me, and it was a beautiful landscape, with horses painting. I looked back at my phone, and said, " What about it?"

She said, " Nik had painted that. It's of the French countryside, with wild horses. That's the only one in existence. I had hung it in the Paris house, since Nik gave it to me. I hung it in the living room, that way we could always see it. He has many paintings in each of the houses, we have. This is the only one he gave to me."

I said, " It's beautiful. Yes, we are in Paris. He showed me around the city for the last two days. It's an amazing city."

Bekah said, " I know. It's Nik's favorite city. He loves it there."

I said, " It seems like he does love it here."

Nik came and sat down next to me. He put an arm around me and said, " Hi, sister."

My phone showed both Nik and I, on the screen. Bekah said, " Nik. Did you show her the eiffel tower? Or the Louve?"

Nik chuckled and said, " Yes, Bekah. I showed her all around the city the past two days."

The Phone then showed Kat, and Davina. Davina said, " Hey, Care Bear. How is Paris?"

I said, " Its amazing and perfect. I love it here. I don't ever want to leave."

Kat said, " You are going to have to leave to get to Bulgaria."

I said, " Nik hasn't even told me where we are going next."

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