The Truth and Anger

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Caroline's POV
    It has been 3 months, since my mom died. Everything is good. I am trying to get back to normal. What is normal, when you are a vampire? Elena, Bonnie, and Damon have gone back to whatever they do. Stefan has been there for me mostly. He told me about Klaus compelling him, and everything they did in the 20s. Stefan and Rebekah were a thing, back then. The only one he didn't mention was Elijah. Only Klaus, Rebekah, and Kol were with Stefan in the 20s, Elijah wasn't there. I wonder where he was.

   I haven't spoken to any of the Mikaelsons in 3 months. The day my mom died, was the last day I spoke to any of them.

    Anyway, I woke up, and put on my purple dress with my black heels, and my black leather jacket. I grabbed a blood bag out of the mini fridge and drank it. I grabbed another one, and went downstairs. Stefan was sitting up on the couch, I threw the blood bag at him.

  He has been sleeping over, since my mom died. I guess he just wants to make sure I didn't turn it off, which I won't.

   I said, " You do know you have your own house with your own bedroom?"

  He finished the blood bag and came to the kitchen. He said, " I know. I just want to make sure you are okay, after your mom died."

  I said, " I'm fine, Stef. Go home and get a shower. Maybe some new clothes. We do have school, today."

  He said, " Are you sure you want to go back?"

  I said, " Stefan, I'm fine. I just need to get back to my normal routine."
  He nodded. We drank coffee and talked. He walked me to my car, and I said, " You better be going home, and get a shower."

  He laughed and said, " I will."

  I nodded and got in my car. I drove down the driveway and to school.

I arrived at school, and went inside to my locker. Elena, and Bonnie were at my locker. I grabbed my books and Bonnie said, " Are you sure you should be going to school?"

   I said, " Yes, Bonnie. I'm fine. She died 3 months ago. It was time,  I came back. I missed planning most the dances. I want to get back to normal."

  They nodded and I went to my classes.

Stefan's POV
     After Caroline drove to school, I sped to the boarding house. I walked in to find the place a wreck. The lamps were broke and on the floor. The couches were flipped. The coffee table was broke in half. The window was broke.

   I looked around for Damon, hoping he would be here. He was nowhere in sight. I called Bonnie.
  She answered and said, " Stefan, what is it? Kinda in school right, now."

   I said, " Bonnie, Something bad happened. When did you see Damon last?"

  She said, " Two days ago. He was in the grill with Alaric. He wanted time alone, so we left him alone. He is still pretty upset about Liz's death."

   I said, " Hes not at the house. Everything is broke."

   Bonnie said, " Give it a day. Maybe he got upset and started throwing things. He will show up, he's damon."

  I sighed and said, " If he doesn't come back in 4 hours, then I am going to assume the worst."

  She said, " I will come over after school, if he doesn't turn up, I can do a locator spell."

  I said, " Don't tell Caroline. She doesn't need any thing to worry about."

  She said, " Alright."

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