Travel the World

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Caroline's POV
      It has been five months, since I became Queen. Everything is perfect. I woke up, and Klaus was staring down at me. I said, " Your staring. It's creepy."

  He smirked and said, " No it's not. It's romantic."

   I said, " It's creepy."

   He moved us, so he was hovering above me. He pecked my lips, and looked down at me. I said, " Whats wrong?"

   He said, " Travel the world with me."

   I said, " What?"

He said, " Travel the world with me. I want to show you what the world has to offer."

  I said, " Nik, we can't. We have responsibilities to our city."

  He said, " You called me Nik."

  I said, " I spent too much time with Rebekah and Kol."

   He said, " I love you calling me Nik. From now on that's what you can call me."

  I said, " Why are you suddenly wanting to travel?"

  He got off of me, and sat against the head board. I sat up against the headboard, beside him. He looked at me, and said, " I told you the world has a bunch of things to offer. I want to show you them. Come on. Paris, Rome, Tokyo. I can show you everything."

  I said, " What about the city?"

  He said, " Elijah is the second in command. He can watch over the city, if anything needs mine or your attention he will call, and we will come back. The city is quiet, nothing will happen."

   I looked at his pleading ocean blue eyes, and sighed. I said, " Fine. When are we leaving?"

He said, " How about tonight? I can have the jet ready by 6."

  I said, " Alright. If we are to leave tonight, we have to pack."

  He nodded, and I got out of bed. I put his shirt on that was on the floor, and went to the closet. I put on my shorts, my blue crop top, and my blue heels. Nik had gotten out of bed, and changed into his clothes. I moved around the room, and packed my things. Nik packed his things after he gotten dressed.

  As I was finishing packing my things, I felt two arms wrap around my waist. He whispered in my ear, " You are beautiful, my love."

   I said, " Don't you have something to do, other than bugging me?"

He said, " Nope."

  I laughed, and finished packing mt things. I turned around in his arms, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I said, " We have to get downstairs, and tell your siblings, Kat, and Stefan about us leaving."

  He said, " I thought we could leave without them knowing."

  He chuckled, and I said, " Nik, this is serious. We can't just leave with out letting them know we are leaving."

   He said, " Alright, love. We will tell them."

  I pecked his lips, and escaped his arms. I went out of our room, and downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge and drank it.

I went to the courtyard and everyone was sitting there, except Nik. I sat down, and Bekah said, " Hey, Care Bear."

   I said, " Really?"

   Nik came down the stairs and sat next to me. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and kissed my cheek.

     Kat said, " So, Care Bear. What took you and Klaus forever to get down here?"

 There's A Whole World Out There (Klaroline)Where stories live. Discover now