Club and Switching Places

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Caroline's POV
    It has been a month, since The Mikaelson Ball. Everything is great. Matt started to have lunch with us, apparently Tyler left town.

    Anyway, I woke up and put on my pink dress with my pink heels. I grabbed a blood bag out of the mini fridge and drank it.

   I went downstairs, and grabbed my purse. My mom already left for work. I went to my car, and got in. I started driving to school.

  I parked my car and got out. Someone said, " Caroline!"

  I turned around and Rebekah was walking towards me. She said, " Hey."

  I said, " Hey, Rebekah."

  She smiled and we walked into school. Elena, and Bonnie were by my locker. I said, " Hey, Bon, Elena."

   Elena smiled and said, " Hey, Care, Rebekah."

   Bonnie said, " Hey."

  Rebekah said, " There is this club that opened an hour  outside of mystic falls. Did you girls want to go?"

    I said, " I'm in. Elena? Bonnie?"

   Elena said, " I don't know."

  Bonnie said, " Elena, come on. We are going, Rebekah."

  Rebekah said, " Alright. Meet me at my house, after school. Wear something hot."

   We nodded and Rebekah went to her class. Elena, Bonnie and I went to our classes.

After school, I got in my car, and drove to my house. I went upstairs to my room, and looked through my closet. I eventually found a sparkly blue dress, with an open back, and my black heels.

    I got a shower and put on my dress with my heels. I put some mascara and eyeliner on. I grabbed my purse and went downstairs.

Luckily, my mom wasn't home, so she wouldn't have to question my outfit. She would've killed me, if she seen I was going out like this.

    I went to my car, and got in. I drove to Elena's house. I waited outside for her to come out of her house. Five minutes of waiting, and she finally came out. She wore a purple strapless dress, with purple heels. She got in my car, and I drove to Bonnie's house.

    Elena said, " Care, you look amazing."

   I said, " So do you."

    We parked outside of Bonnie's house, and she came out. She got in the back, and I started driving to Rebekah's house. Bonnie wore a green dress, that showed off her curves.

  We got out of my car, and went to the door. I knocked and Elijah opened the door.

   I said, "Hi, Elijah."

  He said, " Miss, Forbes. Come in."

   I said, " Please call me Caroline."

  He smiled, and said, " Rebekah should be down in a little bit."

    We nodded, and Kol came into the foyer. He looked us girls, up and down, and smirked. He said, " Darling, I see you came to visit me."

   I rolled my eyes, and said, " Kol, we are here for Rebekah, not you."

   He went over to Bonnie and kissed her hand. He said, " Bonjour, Darling."

  Bonnie snatched her hand away, and said, " Not interested."

   Then Rebekah came down the stairs, in a red sparkly, short dress. She said, " Kol, leave the girls alone."

  Kol said, " I wasn't doing anything, sister."

  Rebekah said, " Whatever. Let's go, girls."

   We went out of her house, and Rebekah said, " We are taking my brothers car. Let's go."

    We nodded, and went over to Rebekah's car. It was that black Jaguar. Bonnie, and Elena got in the back, and I got in the passenger side. Rebekah got in the drivers side, and drove down the driveway.

  Elena said, " Rebekah, how do you get all these expensive things?"

   Rebekah said, " My Family has money, and we are Originals. We compel people. How Else are Vampires getting things?"

   I said, " Maybe by paying for them."

  Rebekah said, " Nope. My family loves to compel. We get bored, easily."

   Bonnie said, " Don't you have other things to do, than compel people."

Rebekah said, " Not really. Kol once started a war between two kingdoms out of boredom. It was actually quite interesting."

   We nodded.

  An hour later, We arrived at the club. We got out of Rebekah's car, and went into the club. Rebekah had compelled the bouncer to let us in. We went to the bar, and got drinks. After a while, We went to the dance floor, and started dancing.

  After an hour of dancing, Elena shouted over the music, " I'm going to get some air."

   I nodded, and she went out of the club. I went to the bar, and got another drink. Someone said, " Hello, Beautiful."

   I looked and it was a handsome guy. I said, " Not interested."
   I took a sip of my drink, and the guy had his hands on my waist. I pulled his hands off of me, and faced him. I looked into his eyes, and said, " I'm not interested. Stay away from me or my friends."

   The guy nodded, and walked away. I finished my drink, and the bartender refilled my glass. Elena came over, and ordered a drink.

  I said, " Hey. Are you alright?"

   She said, " Yeah. I'm fine. I just got overwhelmed, earlier."

   I said, " Got it. Come on, let's dance."

  I grabbed her arm, and pulled her to the dance floor, where Bonnie and Rebekah were. We danced for the rest of the night. It was a fun night. Elena seemed a bit off, I don't know why. Something seemed different about her. I just ignored that feeling, and we had fun.

  Two hours later, we exited the club, and went to the car. We got in, and Rebekah dropped us off at our houses. I went into my house, and put my pjs on, and went to sleep.

Rebekah's POV
    I dropped the girls off at their houses, and went to the mansion. I parked Nik's car, and went inside the house. Nik was in the foyer and said, " Why did you take my car, Bekah?"

   I said, " I felt like it."


   I shrugged and went into the living room, where Elijah and Kol were. Elijah said, " Rebekah, use your own car."

  I said, " Why? It's more fun taking Nik's."

  Nik came into the living room and said, " You can get your own Jaguar, and stop taking mine."

    I rolled my eyes, and said, " Where is she?"

  Kol said, " She is in the ballroom, tied to a chair, getting the blood drained out of her."

   In the living room came that damn doppelgänger. She smirked and said, " It seems I keep getting better at impersonating Elena. Blondie and Witchy bought it."

   I said, " When did you even switch places?"

  Kathrine said, " I was waiting for the right time. I snatched her up, when she went for air. Elijah brought her here, and I took her place. It was easy, really."

  I said, " Whatever."

    I went up to my room, and got a shower. I put on my pjs, and went to sleep.

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