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Caroline's POV
    I woke up, and Bekah was in my room. I sat up, and said, " Morning, Beks. What are you doing in here?"

  She said, " Oh. Kat and I brought your things over."

  I seen the suitcases, and said, " Thanks. Since, when are you and Kathrine friends?"

  She laughed and said, " It sort of happened. We were the only girls in the house, and just talked."

  I nodded, and she said, " Breakfast is in the kitchen, when you get dressed."

  I said, " I will be right down."

Bekah nodded, and left my room. I got out of bed, and put away my things. I put on my black dress, with my black heels. I went out of my room, and downstairs to the kitchen. Bekah, and Kathrine were in the kitchen. I grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge, and drank it. I grabbed some toast, and eggs on a plate.

  I said, " Where's all the guys?"

  Kathrine said, " Kol, Stefan, and Klaus went werewolf hunting. Klaus is making his hybrids. Elijah is in his office, calling the people that owe his family favors."

   I nodded. I ate my breakfast, and Bekah said, " How about we go shopping?"

   I said, " Fine with me."

  Kathrine said, " Yes, let's go."

   We nodded, and went out of the kitchen. We walked outside of the house, and got in Bekah's car. Stefan had brought my car, here, earlier. We drove to the mall, that is outside of the city.

We arrived at the mall, and went inside. We started shopping and then stopped for lunch.

  I said, " You know, Kathrine you aren't that bad."

Kathrine said, " Thank you."

  I said, " So, Bekah whats with you and Stefan?"
  Bekah said, " What do you mean? Nothings going on between us."

   Kathrine said, " Beks, there is a lot of tension between you both. Like the tension between Caroline and Klaus."

  I said, " What?"

  She smirked and said, " Don't think I didn't hear his confession to you, last night. You didn't say anything to back to him, you just ran to your room."

  Bekah said, " What did Nik say to her?"

  I said, " He told me that he fancies me. I didn't know what to say."

  Bekah said, " You should've said you liked him. I seen the way you both looked at each other at my families ball in Mystic Falls."

  I said, " He's your brother."

  She said, " Whats that mean? Just because he is my brother, doesn't mean you and him can't be together. Tell him how you really feel."

  I said, "I don't know. There is the war with Marcel going on. I don't think I should right now."

   Kathrine said, " If you don't tell him. I will tie you both together till you admit it."

  I sighed and said, " Fine. After we finish shopping."

  They nodded and we continued to shop.

   After shopping, we went to the car, and drove to the house. Kathrine wasn't so bad, she was pretty fun.

  We arrived at the house, and brought our bags to our rooms. I put everything that I got today, away. Someone knocked on my bedroom door. I opened it, and it was Klaus.

  I said, " Hey."

  He smirked and said, " Hello, love. Katerina said you wanted to see me."

    I was going to kill her. I said, " Come on in."

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