Date and Training

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Caroline's POV
I woke up, and put on my yoga pants, my red crop top, and my black heels. I went downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge and drank it.

Kathrine walked into the kitchen, and said, " Elijah's looking for you."

I said, " Where is he?"

She said, " Backyard."

I nodded, and walked through the house, and to the backyard. I didn't see Elijah, anywhere. All of a sudden I was being pinned to the ground, and Elijah was hovering over me. I said, " I wasn't ready!"

He got off of me, and gave me a helping hand up. I got up, and he said, " To be part of battle, you should always be ready. Also, make sure you have eyes in the back of your head. You can't risk someone coming up behind you."

I said, " Alright."

Elijah and I started fighting, and it turned messier from there. He threw me up against the trees, towards the woods. We didn't want to break any of the things in the backyard, so we are right outside of the woods. I threw stakes at him, and he threw them back at me. It kept going from there.

Six hours later, I finally pinned Elijah against the tree. He said, " Your getting better."

I smiled, and he flipped us. He had me pinned against the tree. He said, " Not better than an Original."

I said, " I get it, your an Original. You don't have to rub it in, each time I try and pin you against the tree."

He smirked and said, " Why it wouldn't be no fun, if I didn't rub it in."

I said, " I'm seriously regretting not letting Rebekah or Klaus train me."

Elijah chuckled and said, " Those two would never be able to actually fight you, you said so yourself."

He let me go, and we started walking back to the house. I said, " I know. You aren't that bad of a teacher."

He said, " Thank you, Caroline. You aren't that bad of a student. I remember teaching Niklaus to fight, when we were human. He kept trying to make me trip and fall, but I kept making him trip. It was hilarious. Then, once we turned, and found a place away from our father. He challenged me to a duel, and we have the same amount of strength. He may be half wolf, but we have the same amount of strength. I have been the only one that Would go up against him. Rebekah and Kol knew Niklaus was stronger, than them."

It was sort of nice, talking with Elijah like this. Then it dawned on me. I said, " What time is it?"

He checked his watch and said, " It's 5:30. Why?"

I said, " Oh crap! Gotta go."

I flashed to the house, and to my room. I got a shower, and wrapped a robe around me. I went to my closet and picked out my strapless blue dress, with my black leather jacket. I went to the bathroom, and put my dress, and jacket on. I curled my hair, and put eyeliner, and mascara on. I walked out of the bathroom, and put on my blue heels.

Kathrine walked into my room, and said, " Whats going on? You flashed into the house. Elijah was wondering what happened to you."

I said, " Sorry. I had to get ready for my date with Klaus. Which I was almost late for."

She said, " Oh. You didn't tell anyone else."

I said, " Was I supposed to? I didn't think it mattered."

She said, " Of course it matters. Bekah, and I should've helped you pick out an outfit that was hot, and yet nice, for your first date with Klaus."

I said, " Whatever. You and Bekah can help, next time there is a second date. I promise to tell you, then."

She said, " Alright. He's waiting downstairs."

I said, " Is that really why you came up here?"

She said, " Yep."

I sighed and said, " Bye, Kathrine."

I walked out of my room, and downstairs. Klaus was waiting in the foyer, wearing a suit. I walked over to him, and he kissed my lips.

I said, " I'm sorry. I was almost late. Elijah and I were fighting and lost track of time."

He chuckled, and said, " It's fine, love. I would've waited forever for you."

I said, " You're sweet."

He said, " Shall we?"

I said, " We shall."

He held his hand out for me, and I took it. We walked out of the house, and to his black Jaguar. He held the door open for me, and I got in. He closed the door, and got in the drivers side. He drove down the driveway, and onto a street.

We drove for like an hour, outside of the city. We got out of the car, and walked into a nice, fancy restaurant. It was called, ' Love Bites.' We got seated at a table on the balcony.

He ordered our food, and wine. I took a sip of my wine, and he said, " How was training with Elijah?"

I said, " It was good. He taught me to always watch my back."

He said, " That's true. You shouldn't have your back wide open, it gives the enemy an advantage."

I said, " Let's talk about something different. This is a date, so no war talk."

He smirked and said, " What did you want to talk about?"

I said, " You. I don't know anything about you, other than you love to paint."

He chuckled, and said, " Alright, love. When I was human, I had long hair."

I said, " I sort of figured that, seeing as you were born a thousand years ago. I don't think they invented scissors."

He laughed, and said, " Touché. I made wooden figures for Rebekah when she was younger. She always got scared of thunderstorms, and I gave a little wooden knight to her. It got her mind off of the thunderstorm, and she eventually got over her fear."

I smiled, and our food came. I took a bite of my potato, and he continued talking about his childhood, sometimes we would switch and I would talk about my childhood. It was an amazing date.

We went back to his car, and he drove to the house. We got out of the car, and we walked inside. I said, " Goodnight, Klaus."

He said, " Goodnight, Caroline. How about another date?"

I said, " When?"

He said, " Saturday night."

I said, " Sounds perfect."

He kissed my lips, and I went upstairs to my room. Bekah and Kathrine were on my bed.

Bekah said, " How was the date?"

I said, " It was nice."

Kathrine said, " When is the next date?"

I said, " Saturday night."

Bekah said, " Isn't that the day everyone is coming in from different parts?"

I said, " Yeah."

Bekah nodded, and I said, " Is that all?"

They nodded, and left my room. I changed into my pjs, and went to sleep.

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