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Caroline's POV
     I woke up, and put on my blue jeans, my black crop top, with my black heels. I grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge, and drank it. I went downstairs, and grabbed my bag. I went to the door, and opened it. On the ground, was a black velvet box, and a note. I grabbed them, and closed the door. I opened the box, and it was a diamond bracelet. It was stunning.

  I opened the note, and it read:

     Caroline, I'm sorry, we couldn't say goodbye in person. Your friends won't have to deal with my family, anymore. We had moved on.
        I hope you are happy, and live your life. Remember, there is a whole world out there. A small town, and a small town life won't be enough for you. I will wait for you.

    I smiled, and yet upset. They couldn't say goodbye in person. I wiped the few tears that fell. I put the bracelet on my wrist, and put the note in my room, with the empty box.

  I went downstairs and to my car. I got in, and drove to the grill. I was meeting Bonnie, and Stefan for lunch.

  I parked my car, outside of the grill. I went inside the grill, and seen Bonnie and Stefan at a booth. I walked over, and sat down beside Stefan.

   Stefan said, " Hey, Care."

  I said, " Hey. How's Elena?"

   Bonnie said, " Damons teaching her to control her bloodlust."

  I said, " Thats good."

  We ordered our food. Stefan said, "Where did you get the bracelet?"

   I looked at my wrist, and said, " Oh. I found it in my moms old things."

   I lied because I couldn't tell them where I actually got it. They all hate the Mikaelsons. I was the only one that liked them. Bonnie said, " It's pretty."

  I nodded, and Stefan said, " Did you guys know The Mikaelsons moved?"

   Bonnie said, " Nope."

  I said, " It was probably, because they couldn't get Elena's blood anymore."

   They nodded, and our food came. We ate, and talked. After lunch, we separated ways. I went to my car, and drove to the mall. I felt like I needed a shopping spree.

  I arrived at the mall, and my phone buzzed. I looked and it was a text from Rebekah.

R- Sorry, we didn't say goodbye in person.

C- It's fine, Bekah.

R- Still friends?

C- Yeah. Friends for Eternity.

R- Gotta go. Bye Care

C- Bye Bekah.

   I put away my phone, and got out of my car. I went into the mall, and shopped.

   After three hours of shopping, I put the shopping bags in the back, and got in the drivers seat. I drove to my house.

   I parked in the driveway, and grabbed the shopping bags. I went inside the house, and put everything I bought away. I got a shower, and put on my pjs. I went downstairs to the kitchen. I made some popcorn, and put it into a bowl. I sat down on the couch, and turned on, 'How The Grinch Stole Christmas.'

    Two hours later, I finished the Popcorn, and the movie. I went up to my room, and laid down. I looked at the picture Klaus had drew of me, and I drifted to sleep.

 There's A Whole World Out There (Klaroline)Where stories live. Discover now