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Caroline's POV
       It's been five days, and it is Saturday. Everything is good. Elijah and I train everyday, and I am getting better. Klaus and I talk every night. We stayed up one night, and watched movies. Anyway, I woke up, and put on my yoga pants, my blue crop top, and my blue heels.

I went downstairs to the kitchen, and grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge. Someone knocked on the front door.

I went to the front door, and opened it. It was a guy, I don't know who.

  I said, " Who are you?"

  He said, " I'm Le rou. Is Klaus Mikaelson here?"

  All of a sudden, someone said, " Le rou, old friend."

  Klaus was behind me. I said, " I will leave you two alone."

   I went to walk off, but Klaus wrapped his arm around my waist. He smirked.

Le rou walked into the foyer and closed the front door. Klaus said, " Le Rou, this is Caroline."

   Le Rou seen the way, Klaus had wrapped his arm around my waist. Klaus seemed more protective of me, know than before.

    He smiled and said, " Pleasure, Madam."

He kissed my hand, and I heard a low growl from Klaus. This was going to be fun.

  I said, " Please, call me Caroline. So, how do you and Klaus know each other?"

   Le rou said, " Lets get a bit more comfortable for that tale."

  I nodded and unhooked Klaus's arm from my waist. I led Le Rou into the living room. He sat down on the one couch, and I sat down in the other.

    Klaus came and sat down next to me. Le Rou said, " I met Klaus in the 1600s, in France. He was running from someone and we hid him, and his siblings from them. After 2 years passed, they still stayed with me, my wife, and my daughter. Klaus, and his siblings told us the truth about them. We were shocked, but still let them stay with us. We knew they wouldn't hurt us. We hid most of the bodies, they had drained, and in return they would help the town. I was still human, at this time. But, I ended up dying of a gunshot, and Klaus gave me his blood, and killed me. I woke up, in transition. Klaus had helped me adjust to this life. Klaus and his family left, about five years after I turned. I turned my wife into a vampire, so we could be together forever."

   I said, " That's nice. I didn't think Klaus would be nice to humans."

  Klaus said, " I'm nice to humans."

  I gave him a look, and he said, " Sometimes. I was nice to your mother, and your friends."

  I said, " My friends are vampires, and Bon was a witch. Elena you were just acting nice to her, cause you wanted her blood."

  He said, " Touché, Sweetheart."

   Le rou said, " Caroline, how do you know Klaus and his siblings?"

  I said, " Long Story. Well, they first came to my home town two years ago. They kept saying they wanted to start anew, in a small town. Rebekah tried out for the cheerleading team, and got on it. After a while, she finally told us she was an Original. Stefan and Damon told us stories about the Original. We became friends, ever since. Kol I met when Rebekah told me about her family, before. Klaus, and Elijah I met at their families ball, they hosted. After two weeks, my then boyfriend, Tyler, bit me when he was turning into a wolf. Klaus had gave me his blood and cured me. Tyler and I had broken up. They were actually in town because of my friend, Elena. She is a Petrova doppelgänger, and they kidnapped her. We rescued her, and then after a few months. Tyler was turned into a hybrid, and sired to Klaus. Elena made me choose a side, between them or the Mikaelsons. That same day, my mom had died. Klaus was there for me, that night. I chose my friends, but I told Rebekah that we would be friends for eternity. Rebekah had turned Elena into a vampire, and they left town, since Klaus couldn't get Elena's blood anymore. It turned out that Klaus had compelled Stefan's memories away of him, and his siblings from the 20s. graduated High School, and then Stefan and I decided to move. He told me about New Orleans, and it was his favorite place, so we moved here. That's about it."

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