Mikaelson Ball

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Caroline's POV
    It has been two weeks, since Klaus healed me. Everything is good. Tyler and I had broken up. I am just focusing on me, I don't need a boyfriend, right now. Rebekah and Stefan are close. Elena, Bonnie, Rebekah and I had two girls nights. Everything is good.

Anyway, I woke up, and put on my jeans, my black crop top, with my black heels. I grabbed a blood bag out of the fridge and drank it. I went downstairs, and grabbed my purse. I opened the front door, and there was a letter sitting on the stoop. I bent down and picked it up.

  I opened it, and it read,

Caroline Forbes, you are invited to the Mikaelson Ball. Join us tonight at 7.

I flipped it over and on the back read,

Save me a dance, Klaus.

    I put the letter in my purse, and went to my car. I got in and drove to school.  I parked, and got out of my car. I walked inside, and the girls were at my locker. Elena said, " Hey."

  I said, " Hey. Rebekah, what is this about a ball?"

  She said, " My family loves to throw parties. You drink, talk, and dance the night away. I had made sure Elijah invited you, Bonnie, Stefan, Damon, and Elena. I figured you never been to a ball before."

  Bonnie said, " We haven't. We have nothing to wear. We don't have ball gowns."

   Rebekah said, " I have that covered. We can meet at my house, and we can get ready there, since the party is being held there, anyway."

   I said, " Sounds good."

  We then went to our classes. At lunch, I sat down at our table, with Elena, Bonnie, Rebekah and Stefan. Stefan groaned, and I said, " Whats wrong Stef?"

  He said, " Why am I surrounded by girls? Like seriously all my friends are girls. Ever since you broke up with Tyler, him and Matt have been sitting somewhere else at lunch."

  I said, " Firstly, he broke up with me, because he couldn't handle me not being with him all the time, he was too needy. Secondly, you love us. You always hang out with us. Thirdly, it's not my fault Tyler and Matt won't sit with us."

   Stefan said, " I know it's not your fault, care. I'm just saying, there is all my friends are girls."

   Elena said, " There's no problem with having girls as friends."

  Bonnie said, " Being friends with girls is like a blessing. Girls are the best friends, anyone can have. So, Stefan who are you taking to the ball?"

  Stefan said, " Am I supposed to?"

  I said, " I'm surprised you didn't ask Elena, for a friend date."

   Elena said, " Umm. About that. Damon's taking me. He offered to be my date."

  Bonnie said, " What? You and Damon?"

  Elena said, " It's just a ball. We aren't dating or anything."

   I said, " Yeah. Whatever you say."

  We sat there, and talked for the rest of lunch. We then went back to our classes.

After school, I went to my car, and drove to my house.

I went inside my house, and my mom was in the living room. I went to my room, and grabbed a bag, and put some clothes for the next day, and my pjs, in it. I then went downstairs, and my mom said, " Where are you off to?"

I said, " I'm going to pick up Elena, and Bonnie. We are going to Rebekah's to get ready for the party, and then have a sleepover at Rebekah's."

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