Play with your gift, don't tease it.

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By December the pandemic was still in place so Addison was still in Seattle. She could've gone home but chose to stay. She had a reason too. Meredith was her reason. "Today was fun," Addison said. She bit her lip as Meredith smiled from inside the bathroom. 

"Yeah, it was." Meredith said. "Which reminds me," she paused and stepped out of the bathroom in lacy, red lingerie, and walked over to Addison.  "You have one more gift to open."  She sat on Addison lap and began to straddle her.

"Best Christmas ever!" Addison purred before placing her lips on Meredith's neck. Sucking mark after mark on her neck and chest. She pulled the straps of Meredith's top down revealing her breasts with erect nipples. She placed a breast in her mouth and began sucking. She put Meredith's nipple and began teasing her. She treated each breast with equal attention. She sucked marks on her breasts as well. Every once in a while she would twist Mer's nipple, causing her to howl with pleasure.

"Fuck Addison," She moaned. Addison flipped them over and pulled off the rest of Meredith's lingerie.

"God you're so fucking hot." Addison said as she stared at Meredith's body. Mer bit her lip and smiled.

"Open your gift Addie." Mer smirked. Addison spread Meredith's legs and began kissing up her thighs. As she got closer to Meredith's entrance she began teasing her. Meredith began to get inpatient with Addison's tactics. This is why Addison was doing it. She wanted to build up her anticipation. "Addison, please play with you gift and stop teasing it." Meredith asked seductively. Addison sat up and got off the bed. "Addie?" Meredith looked at her with confusion.

"Shhh." Addison said as she placed her finger over Meredith's mouth. "We are gonna do this my way." Meredith didn't know what she meant. She sat up and began to speak.

"But Addison I-" She was cut off my Addison pushing her back down.

"I said quiet." Addison said in a firm, seductive tone. Meredith bit her lip. "Don't move, don't make a sound, there will be punishments if you break my rules." Addison knelt on the bed and placed her fingers on Meredith's clit and began slowly rubbing it. Meredith closed her eyes and rolled them. She bit her lip and suppressed her moans.

  Addison continued at the same pace for a while which drove Meredith crazy at how slow it was.  "I don't think this is going fast enough for my liking." Addison said. Finally! Meredith thought. She walked over to Meredith's nightstand and grabbed a red vibrator from the drawer.  Meredith opened her mouth but quickly clamped it shut. Addison turned it on and brought it to Meredith's pussy. The contact nearly made Meredith jump but she didn't. Addison had it on the highest setting so Meredith nearly reached her climax in a few minutes. Just as she was about to come undone Addison spoke.

"Hold it in." Meredith looked shocked. "Don't ride you high until I tap you here." Addison said placing her finger on Meredith's belly. She added her fingers to the mix and plunged them into her entrance which only made it harder for Meredith. "Not yet." She stated. Meredith's body began to shake and Addison tapped her. She quickly turned off the vibrator and connected her lips to Meredith's. Meredith moaned loudly into the kiss as she rode out her orgasm.

"Fuck!" She moaned. Addison giggled.

"Thanks for the present." Meredith pulled her in for another kiss and cuddled her for a while. All she wanted was to stay in Addison's arms forever.

- what did you guys think of this? Also do you guys have any tips on smut writing because I don't think I'm as good. Also Merry Christmas to the people that celebrate it.

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