1+2=3 SUM

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"What do you mean he's coming home?" Addison asked. She sat on Meredith's bed with her arms and legs crossed.

"I mean he is coming home for a week because he wants to see us." Meredith responded. Addison rolled her eyes. "Look I'm not that happiest about it either but he lives here when he isn't working for the president."

"So where am I supposed to sleep?" Addison asked. Meredith put her head in Addison's lap and let Addie play with her hair.

"In here." Meredith replied. Addison looked at her in shock.

"You want me to sleep in here, with you and your husband who doesn't know I'm even back in Seattle?" Addison asked. Meredith nodded.

"There is no other place for you to sleep, I'm not making you take the couch so we have no choice," Meredith said. Addison playfully rolled her eyes. "Plus Cristina has slept in the bed with me and Derek."

"What?" Addison asked.

"When She was having some issues she came over and she fell asleep here." Meredith shrugged. Just before Addison went to speak Meredith connected their lips. The kiss was heated but Meredith didn't let it go any further. She pulled away and Addison moaned.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because I have to go pick Derek up, and I need to tell him that we have a bed mate." Meredith said. Addison smirked and placed her hand down Meredith's pants. Meredith took a deep breath at the contact.

"Ohhh, no panties, what would you if I did this?" She asked and began rubbing Meredith's clit. Meredith moaned and began to squirm.

"Addison, ohhhh, I need to, Ahh faster!" Meredith moaned, trying to get up but Addison knew what she was doing. "Don't Stop!" Addison didn't stop until Meredith reached her climax. Her body shook and she moaned Addison's name.

"Go change and pick up your husband, You're late." Addison said. Meredith got up and changed. She grabbed her keys and they both went down stairs.

"Is she going with you?" Maggie asked. Meredith shook her head.

"No, she is gonna stay here while I pick him up." Meredith responded. She walked outside and got into the truck and drove to get Derek.

They walked through the door and Derek was smuggled by his three loving kids. "Daddy!" They all shouted.

"Oh my babies!" He said happily. Meredith sat on the couch next to Addison while she let Derek spend some time with the kids. "Daddy's home." He said and looked at Mer with a smirk. When he looked away Addison rolled her eyes and whispers in Meredith's ear.

"I'm daddy." She purred. Meredith bit her lip. "Even you can't deny it." Meredith stopped biting her lip and tried to ignore Addison.

"So I was thinking we could have pizza for dinner?" Maggie asked.

"Pizza sounds amazing Mags." Derek said. She grabbed her phone and dialed for Seattle's house of pizza.


After dinner Meredith explained to Derek what was happening. He was okay with it because he was partly the reason. "If I hadn't made that room into an office she would have her own bed." Derek said.

"It's not your fault Derek, but keep it down she's sleeping." Meredith whispered, pointing at the sleeping red head next to them.

"Babe, I'm horny," he whispered. She raised an eyebrow. "What?" He said moving closer to her. She moved back and spoke.

"I'm not fucking you with Addison sleeping right next to us." Meredith said.

"Come in it will be fun!" Derek begged. Meredith shook her head. Derek rolled his eyes. He looked down at Addison, who began to stir and he smirked. "Have you ever had a threesome?" He asked. She shook her head.

"No, have you?" Meredith asked. He nodded. "Wait are you suggesting a threesome with-" she stopped and pointed at Addison. He nodded.

"She's awake anyways, so it's no harm in asking?" Derek shrugged. Meredith looked down and her eyes met with Addison's. Addison sat up and pulled Meredith close. Their lips connected and they felt sparks of electricity just like every kiss they shared had brought. Derek groaned and felt his meaner soon get hard as he watched his wife and ex wife make out. Meredith got off of him and moved towards Addison. He took off his pants and began to play with himself as he watched. Meredith straddled Addison and moved her lips to her neck.

"I didn't think this would be such a turn on," Addison purred. She moaned as Meredith continued to suck hickeys on her neck. Derek began to squeeze his balls with his other hand and moved his other into Meredith's shorts. He felt her wetness pooling and knew she was ready. She slid off of Addison and pulled her pants down. She connected her mouth to Addison's pussy. She began moving her tongue up and down her pussy and started sucking on her clit. Addison moaned and grabbed into the sheets tightly. Derek began to place a condom over his member, slowly rolling it over the head and down the rest of his penis.

"Fuck! Oh god Meredith don't stop!" She moaned. Derek moved towards Meredith and pulled off her shorts. He teased her entrance with his hard cock and roughly shove it inside of her. She moaned loudly and picked up the pace with Addison. She reached out a hand and started squeezing Addison's breast.

"Oh-ahh, harder!" Meredith whined. She removed her mouth from Addison and started rubbing Addie's clit with her hands.

"Ohh don't stop!" Addison begged. Meredith started rubbing faster and moaning loudly. Derek was thrusting in and out of her roughly. Meredith reaches her climax and moaned loudly. Derek pulled his cock out of her and she moved. He pulled Addison down towards him and thrusted himself inside. Meredith placed her pussy on Addison's face and soon felt her arms snake around her legs. She began rubbing her pussy along Addison's mouth as Derek fucked her. Addison didn't care that she was fucking Derek, she was glad to be fucking Meredith without getting caught cheating with her. Addison and Meredith both reached climax shortly after one another. Addison cleaned up her juices and began sucking harder in her clit. As soon as she finished she was starting again. He body shook violently and her toes curled.

"AHHHH-Addison Fuck!" She cried loudly. She moved faster in Addison's face until she came. Addison cleaned her up again and Derek came. Meredith got off of Addison and Derek removed the condom. He rolled over and drifted to sleep.

"Cristina never did that with you huh." Addison panted. Meredith shook her head.

"No, she did not." Meredith said. She kissed Addison and curled up into her.

-you asked and you received. Tell me your thoughts. I'm quite proud of this chapter and the fact that I published twice in one day.

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