Somebody else.

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An hour after drifting to sleep they were awoken by Addison's phone buzzing. "God turn it off!" Meredith groaned.

"I am," Addison said. She looked at the phone and groaned loudly. "People are on their way we need to get ready." Meredith rolled her eyes and sat up.

"You're cute when you're tired." Addison said sweetly. Meredith looked towards her and raised an eyebrow.

"Only when I'm tired?" She asked. Addison smirked.

"You're hot all the time, but you're cute when your tired." Addison said. Meredith's jaw dropped.

"I'm not sleeping with you tonight."  Meredith said as she walked to Addison's bathroom.

"I take it back your hot when your tired, your hot all the time." Addison said. Meredith turned quickly and laughed. She booped Addison's nose

"You're cute but I'm not falling for that, I'm not sleeping with you tonight." Meredith walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

"Can we at least shower together?" Addison asked. She was waiting for Meredith to say yes as she began opening the door.

"Nope." Meredith said and the lock clicked. This made Addison's jaw drop.

"Wow, really?" Addison said. She got no response.

Everyone came over and busted Addison and Jake. They of course were tested for Covid and were all negative. "I'm Charlotte King,"  she  placed her hand out and Meredith shook it.

"Meredith." She replied. "So how do you know Addie?" Mer asked.

"She works at my hospital from time to time." Charlotte said. "You?" Char asked.

"She used to work with me, and she lived with me for a while." Meredith said. Charlotte nodded. Meredith made her way around chatting with everyone. That is everyone but Addison. Her husband soon walked in and over to her while she was talking with Charlotte and Cooper. He placed a kiss on her cheek and squeezed her shoulder. She made a displeased face at this.

"Hey babe, I've missed you." Dereks said. Mer gave a fake smile.

"Missed you too." She replied shortly. Charlotte looked at copper and gave him a look. He was too oblivious to catch on to this. Derek went to kiss her on the lips but she pushed away. "Why don't you go and talk to Sam and Naomi, they have been asking about you." Meredith said. Derek mad an 'O' with his mouth and walked off.

"Can we talk for a minute Mer?" Addison asked. Meredith turned and opened her mouth but was cut off by Charlotte.

"She will catch up with you when she's done with me, I asked her for something real quick." Charlotte said and grabbed Meredith's wrist.

"Oh." Addison said sounding a little hurt. They walked outside and closed the door.

"What was that all about?" Char asked. Meredith shrugged.

"What do you mean?" Meredith asked. Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

"That whole ordeal with Derek?" She asked.

"I think I want to divorce him." Meredith said. Charlottes eyes widened.

"W-why?"  Charlotte asked. Meredith bit her lip and looked to the floor.

"B-because I think I want to marry somebody else." Meredith said. Charlotte eyes widened even more. This is not what she was expecting.

-sorry no smut for this chapter. What are your thoughts. The next chapter may or may not have smut but it's crazy!

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