Happy valentine's day.

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-happy Valentine's Day to all my single Pringles and to the taken people out there lol. Also it's my birthday yay! I couldn't pass up a Valentine's Day chapter for y'all so I hope you enjoy.

"Are you planning on telling me what you're doing?" Addison asks. Meredith smiles.

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise now would it babe?" Meredith asks. It was their first Valentine's Day as a married couple and Meredith wanted to do something worth their while.

"No, but I'm dying over here!" Addison exaggerates. Meredith rolled her eyes and zipped up her boots. "What was that?" Addison asks. Meredith let's put a devilish laugh.

"Oh nothing." Mer smirks as she walks out wearing lingerie that has yet to be seen. It was red and had roses all over it. She was wearing leather boots that went way above her thighs. Addison's jaw dropped to the floor at the sight of her breathtaking beautiful wife.

"Fuck Mer that's so hot!" Addison said in sultry voice. Meredith made her way over to Addison and straddled her lap. 

"I'm going to fuck you senseless, and then I have a surprise for you," Meredith said with a shit eating grin on her face. Addison quirked her eyebrow at the blonde.

"Can I have a hint?" Addison asked taking her tongue in between her teeth.

"Nope." Meredith said as she pushed Addison into the bed and crawled on top of her. Addison moaned as Meredith crept closer, barely hovering her lips over Addison's. She connected their lips in a firm kiss, slipping her younger inside her wife's mouth taking complete control of the kiss. Addison let her hands roam around Meredith's body and unzipped the lingerie that was clinging perfectly to the blonde's body.

Meredith pulled away and slipped off the article, throwing it across the room. Addison followed and completely stripped. Meredith moved her mouth down to Addison's breasts and placed an erect bud into her mouth, swirling her tongue around it. Addison let out soft moans of pleasure as Meredith went in with her ministrations.

"Mmm that feel good..." Addison moaned softly. Meredith slid her hand down and met her fingers with Addison's slick folds that were wet with arousal.

"Fuck, you're so wet for me Addie," Meredith purred seductively. Meredith leaned down as she wrapped her arms around Addison's waist and connected her mouth to Addison's clit without warning. She began lapping her tongue around and in circular motions.

"Fuck!" Addison moaned as she clutched the sheets that were underneath her. Meredith thrusted three fingers into her wife and began fucking her roughly, never once removing her mouth from Addison's throbbing clit. "Ahh!" Addison screamed as Meredith pumped her fingers roughly into her core, hitting her g-spot with each thrust. Meredith let out a giggle which sent a shock through Addison's body. She rolled her eyes to the back of her head and saw spots in her vision as her orgasm took over. Her walls began to tighten around Meredith's fingers as she continued pumping them through the red heads orgasm. Meredith removed her fingers and cleaned up Addison's juices. She placed her fingers in Addison's mouth and watched as she moaned at the taste of herself. "Holy fuck that was amazing!"

"Ok yeah?" Meredith questioned. Addison nodded and rolled over. "But not as amazing as what comes next." Addison said.

She slid one of her legs in between Meredith's and aligned their cores. She began slowly moving back and forth making them both moan. Addison picked up her pace Their moans grew louder and louder as they went on. Addison leaned down while still rubbing their pussies together and kissed Meredith. Addison moaned into the kiss and sat up and continued thrusting her hips back and forth. They both reached their climaxes and Addison collapsed into Meredith, breathing heavily. "Now this I could do in the daily," Meredith panted.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Grey, there are many more things to explore here." Addison said with a smirk.

"Oh yeah?" She said as she rolled over and connected their lips once more before snuggling her head in the crook of Addison's neck. "I love you baby."

"I love you too."

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