That's not fair to you.

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Meredith was sitting in the bed in Addison's guest room when Derek walked in. "Hey, what's up are you feeling okay, everyone's downstairs waiting for you."  He asked still worried about her having the flu.

"I'm fine but we need to talk." Meredith said firmly. Derek stopped and turned his head.

"Now I'm nervous." Meredith pursed her lips and looked down. "Mer?"

"I think- I want a divorce." Meredith blurted.

"You think, okay why?" Derek asked. His voice was slightly shaken.

"No, I want a divorce Derek." Meredith said with more confidence.

"Is it something I could work on, because I don't believe in qu-" Derek started but stopped when Meredith stood up.

"No, it's not something that can be worked on." Meredith said. "I'm in love with someone else and that's not fair to you." Now Derek was angry.

"You what!" Derek shouted. He walked over to her and grabbed onto her arms tightly. "How could you do this!" He shouted. In an fir of rage his hand made contact with her face and he angrily walked out of the room.

"Derek stop!" She shouted as she went after him. He walked out of the house and slammed the door. Everyone was in shock. Addison  walked over to her and tapped her.

"Meredith are you okay?" She asked. Meredith turned and the tears slid down her cheeks.

"I-I" she stuttered. Addison placed her hand on Meredith's chin and  turned her head.

"Oh my god did her hit you?" She asked. Meredith shook her head and Addison pulled her close. She walked her over to the couch.

"Meredith what happened?" Charlotte asked.

"I told him I wanted a divorce and he flipped out." Meredith sobbed.

"He won't hurt you again." Addison said as she placed a small kiss on Meredith's forehead. Addison knew Meredith lied to her. Her face was red and there was a visible hand print.


Once everyone had left Addison kept the door locked. Jake had to use his key to get it. "Hey what was the door locked?" Jake asks.

"Keep it locked." Addison demanded. Jake clicked the lock and walked into the living room.

"Why are we locking doors now?" Jake asked. When he walked closer he was shushed by Addison who held sleeping Meredith close to her her chest.

"Because something happened so the door is staying locked." Addison said quietly.

"Well I stay down here and wait for Derek to get back and then lock the door." Jake says and starts walking towards the door.

"Derek is the reason that the door is locked so you won't wait for him." Addison says firmly.

-sorry for no smut today, but the next chapters will be in Seattle and smutty!

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