Sudden urges.

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Addison had been in Seattle for a week when a lockdown was placed. Over the last few weeks Covid-19 had spread rapidly through the world and now everyone was required to stay home and wear masks when in public. She had been locked up for a month, with Meredith. It wouldn't be that bad right? Or so she thought. "Morning Mer," Addison said. Met smiled and walked over to the coffee pot.

"Morning." She replied. She was in a pair of pajama shorts that complimented her body. Addison bit her lip at the sight of the woman standing in front of her. No, stop thinking this way. She is Meredith Grey! Addison mentally corrected herself. "Want some coffee?" Mer asked.

"Uh, y-yeah sure," She said nervously. Meredith reaches up for another cup but couldn't quite get it. She turned and looked at Addison.

"Could you maybe.." Meredith asked. Addison just continues starting until she snapped herself out of whatever haze she was in.

"Oh, yeah sorry," Addison said. She walked over and reached for the cup. Her body pressed against Mer's, sending shocks of electricity through them both. Meredith bit her lip and turned, her eyes green/blue eyes meeting Addison's crystal blue ones.

"S-sorry." Meredith said. Her breath caught in the back of her throat. Addison backed away and handed her the cup. " what do you put in it?" Mer asked.

"Um, creamer and sugar." Addison responded. Meredith nodded and grabbed them from the fridge. And caramel." Meredith smirked.

"Coming right up." Addison raised a brow at Meredith's smirk but quickly dropped it. A few moments later Meredith places the cup in front of Addison. Addison bites her lips as she looks from the coffee to Meredith.

"I think I'll have something else," Addison said. She stood up and pushed Meredith up on the counter causing her to moan. She connected their  lips in a heated kiss, slipping her tongue  in Meredith's mouth and fighting for dominance. Meredith dug her nails into Addison's back as the kiss picked up. When Addison pulled away Meredith was a mess. She missed the contact. She felt her legs heat up with anticipation.

"W-what was that for?" Meredith asked still trying to catch her breath.

"I have just been have these urges, and they are so sudden." Addison said. "And I need to act on them."

"Then I guess you better finish what you started" Meredith bit her lip and pulled Addison towards her. Their lips crashes against one another's and Addison instantly pulled off Meredith's shirt, revealing a lacy red bra. She placed a hand down Meredith's pants and slid her panties out of the way.

"You're already so wet for me?" Addison purrs. She began rubbing circles on Meredith's clit causing the blonde's breathing to increase. Meredith began moaning louder. Addison put finger up to Meredith's lips. "Shhh, you'll wake up the whole house." Meredith bit her lip to suppress the moans. Addison slid off Meredith's pants and panties and connected her mouth to already wet and throbbing centre.

She began sucking on her clit and plunged two fingers into Mer's entrance.  Addison picked up the pace and Meredith felt herself lose control. She put down on her arm to stop herself from screaming Addison's name.  Meredith quickly came undone and began panting. Addison stood up and kissed Meredith.  "You taste so good," Addison said, licking her lips once she pulled away from Meredith. They heard a door from upstairs open and Meredith hopped off the counter.

"Crap." Meredith said, rushing to put her cloths back on. Addison was already sitting back in her original place drinking the cooled coffee Meredith had Mrs minutes earlier. Just was Meredith pulled her shirt on, Amelia came trotting down the stairs.

"Morning." She said cheerfully. She had on a mask and comfy/ athletic clothing.

"Morning," Addison and Meredith said in unison. "Where are you going?" Meredith asked.

"For a jog, it's a perfect day for one." Amelia grabbed her bottle of water and walked outside.

"You might want to be more careful next time Mer," Addison teased.

"Shut up." Meredith responded. She grabbed her own cup and began drinking it.

- What were your thoughts on this chapter? Let me know.

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