back to school.

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It was last August— almost September— and the Grey-Montgomery household was so ready to send their kids back to school. Today was the first day and Meredith could not have been happier. "I love the kids, but I am so glad that they are finally going back to school," Meredith said as wrapped her arms around her wife's body. Addison leaned into her wife's embrace and smiled.

"I am too, it means more alone time for the adults in the house," Addison smirked, though her wife could not see.

"Oh yeah?" Meredith questions. "More time for what exactly?" She asks her wife as she slips her hands down the front of Addison's shorts finding her completely commando beneath them. "Expecting this weren't we?"

"Maybe," Addison responds cutely. Merediths fingers brush against her clit as she feels how wet her wife's pussy is.

"Gods you're drenched Addie, it's only 8:30!" Meredith stated as she pulled her hands from the red heads shorts and brought her fingers to her lips. She closed her mouth over her covered fingers and moaned as she looked straight into Addison's eyes. "What would you like today?" She asks.

"Strap?" Addison questions. Normally Meredith was the one getting strapped down by Addison, but she felt like switching it up for a change. Meredith raised a brow at her wife, clearly not expecting the request.

"Are you sure, you almost never ask for it?" Meredith asks. Addison eagerly nods and takes a step closer.

"I want to ride your cock until I can barley remember my name," Addison purred. Meredith moaned at the thought of Addison riding her. She could practically come just thinking about it.

"As you wish," Meredith said. "Get on the bed and strip. You better be naked when I get back." Meredith sauntered into another room not too far from their bedroom and looked through all of the toys they had. "How many inches?" Meredith calls from their 'toy room.'

"7... no 8!" Addison shouts. Meredith grabs a purple 8-inch strap and strips, quickly putting it on and walking back into their room. Addison but her lip when she saw her beautiful wife wearing the strap. "Maybe we should do this more often." She motions for Meredith to come closer with her finger and the blonde does so. She climbs into the bed and leans forward, brushing her lips against Addison's in a soft kiss. Addison moaned into the kiss, causing Meredith to pick up the pace. The kiss became more heated, filled with light nips of skin, and lips. The brushing of tongues fighting for dominance.

"Mer," Addison whimpered. Mer made a sound along the lines of 'mmh?' and Addison pulled back. "I need you inside of me, right now." Meredith nodded and moved herself besides Addison. The red head straddled the blondes waist and positioned herself into the toy. She hissed with pleasure and slight discomfort as she slid onto the  toy, allowing it to filler her completely. Addison allowed herself to get used to the intrusion before slowly moving up and on the dildo as Mer thrust into her carefully.

"God you feel so good," Addison moaned as she began picking up the pace, slowly rocking her hips on the cock before gripping onto Meredith's shoulders. A pleasurable pain shot through the blondes body as Addison dragged her nails down pale skin.

"Oh gods Addie," Meredith whimpered as she began thrusting harder into the older woman.

"Oh Fuck! Don't stop. Don't you fucking stop!" Addison cried as her wife picked up the pace. Addison began tweaking one of her nipples as she rode her wife's cock with pure abandon. "Fuck me like the slut I am!" Addison was always one for talk in the bedroom. She had quite the degradation kink and Mer totally loved that side of her. It wasn't very often When Addison would take this kind of thing, especially first. Meredith began pounding her cock roughly into Addison's hungry pussy as she listened to her wife moan and scream.

"You like it when I fuck you hard, don't you?" Meredith asked. Addison whimpered and dug her nails deeper into Meredith's skin, surely drawing blood.

"Yes, fuck me harder Meredith!" Addison all but screamed. Meredith obliged and began moving faster, her thrusts becoming harder with each one. The toy brushed against her clit with each thrust, brining her close to an orgasm just as she did with Addison. Addison felt the tingly feeling in her toes and work it's way up her body.

"I'm so close!" Addison shouted as the toy brushed her g-spot. She leaned forward and but down on Merediths shoulder as her orgasm continued to build. When it finally crashed and Addison came screaming Meredith's name, her movements stilled and Meredith's thrusts became slower until Addison climbed off of her wife and laid down flat in her back.

"That was amazing," Meredith said, out of breath from what was only the start of their morning activities.

"I want you here," Addison said, pointing at her face. Meredith removed the toy and discarded it somewhere on the floor and climbed up her wife's body, placing her knees on either side of Addison's face as she lowered her centre to her wife's mouth. Addison gripped Meredith's hip and pulled her down, earning a squeak of shock from the blonde. Addison quickly got her tongue to work on Meredith's clit, flicking and swirling it around the throbbing pearl as her grip on Meredith's hips got tighter. She began thrusting Mer back and forth on her face, spreading her juices as she slurped them up.

"Your tongue feels so good on my pussy!" Meredith moaned. Addison laughed into her pussy, sending vibrations through Meredith's core. The younger woman was already close to an orgasm since she hadn't come with Addison. It wouldn't take much more attention to her needy cut. Addison sucked Mer's throbbing clit roughly into her mouth, earning a loud yelp from the blonde as her hips began to move faster.

"Fuck I'm close," Meredith cried. Addison bit down, not too roughly, but just enough on Meredith's clit to finally send her over the edge. Brightness filled Meredith's vision as her entire body shook and tensed up. Her toes curled as one of the best orgasms crashed through her system. "Fuck Addison, yes!" She screamed as she came into her wife's mouth. Addison licked up her juices until Meredith pushed her away, feeling overstimulated by Addison's talented tongue.

"I love you kitten," Addison whispered as she comforted her wife through her aftershock.

"I love you too baby," Meredith responded, curling up in the red heads arms.

"Wanna go again?" Addison asked innocently, earning a laugh from the blonde.

"Someone's needy today," Meredith joked.

"I still haven't fucked you the way you fucked me, how could I not be needy?" Addison asks. It was more rhetorical, but Meredith still felt inclined to answer.

"I don't know, but I'm not surprised."

a/n-  surprise guys!! wow okay i bet you were not expecting this because i surely was not. it has been over six months since i've touch this story and i didn't really expect to write what i wrote. i am surprised i even wrote this much tbh. i hope you guys enjoyed this little impromptu update. also i have started publishing on a03 @feaqthrs if you guys want to read some of my other stories. i will eventually publish these all in there too so don't worry if the stories you see aren't the stories you typically read from me.

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