Crocodile tears.

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Charlottes eyes widened. "Who is he?" She asks. Meredith smiles.

"Her name is Meaghan." Meredith said. "I met her in an airport." None of this was true of course. She didn't know if Addison was ready to admit their relationship is more that what people think. Of course the red head sitting on the balcony above didn't know this. She was crushed. Meredith didn't really love her. She felt the tears well in her eyes but she would submit to them. She would not let them fall. She got up and walked down to the party. She walked up to her husband. He wrapped an arm around her and kissed her.

"I missed you baby, don't ever leave me for that long again" Jake begged.

"Trust me, I have no reason to ever go back to Seattle."  Addison said with a slightly bitter tone. The slider door opened and Meredith walked in with Charlotte. Mer walked over to Addison and tapped her.

"We can talk now." Meredith said. Addison barley looked at her.

"I'm with my husband Meredith, there are other people to talk to." Addison said harshly.

"Oh." She said softly. She turned and walked upstairs to the guest room hoping Addison would follow. She didn't.
After everyone had left, the couples began getting ready for bed. "Does your outfit mean that you want something?" Derek smirked. Meredith shook her head.

"No, it's just going to get hot and I want to be comfortable." Meredith said. Derek got into the bed and pat down on the bed for Meredith to do the same.

"I'll get in bed in a minute, I want to go sit outside for a bit." Meredith said. Meredith walked down the stairs and snuck outside. She saw Addison. She walked over to her and started kissing her neck.

"Get the fuck away from me Meredith." Addison said bitterly as she stepped away from Meredith.

"I'm Meredith now?" Mer questioned. Addison didn't respond. "Why are you so mad at me?" She asked.

"Why don't you go back to your husband." Addison ordered. "At least your actually wanted." Meredith's jaw dropped. And not in a joking manner.

"Are you serious right now?" Meredith asked. A single year slipped from her face.

"The crocodile tears won't work, so cut the crap." Addison snapped. Meredith wiped her tears. She turned and walked into the house.

"Meredith can we have sex please,
I'm horny and your so hot." Derek said.

"Go in the bathroom and jerk off."  Meredith said as she got into bed.

"But you're so much better." Derek said as he moved closer.

"I'm in my period Derek, not today." Meredith lied. She turned off the light and got into bed.

- this sounded so much better in my head. The next chapter will be extremely smutty.

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